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For Sale: 1981 Grand Banks Classic - 36ft with bow thruster

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Jul 19, 2017
United States
I own a marine repair business and have ran the ‘Loons Nest’ for her original owner for the past 5 years. The original owner unfortunately was getting past his cruising days and passed it along to me. I have personally done all the work below and recently put in some more TLC for her next future owner.

Photos available here - https://flic.kr/s/aHskZHam7v

Some general details
Fiberglass semi displacement hull with 12v battery driven bow thruster. Lehman 120 Hpr engine with 2457 hours. Fuel capacity with average of 2.3 gal per hour fully loaded at 8 knots @ 1850 rpm cruising speed.

This "Classic" Model has 2 Staterooms, 2 heads, teak transom, teak hand rails and trim. Comfortably sleeps 6 in designated bunks.

She has extensively cruised and harbored between San Francisco, Ca., Santa Barbara, Ca. and San Diego, Ca.

Vessel is located in San Diego and delivery is available.

Upgrades / Recent Repairs (too many too list!)

2015 - injector service, transmission cooler replacement, exhaust work and fuel system replacement on her Lehman 120hp. Borg warner velvet drive gearbox.

2016 - new battery banks 1ea. 8D AGM, 2 ea. 6v 235 amp hour. Sanitation system with electric heads (toilets) have been replaced including new unused holding tank.

Haul out 2016 - new 316 stainless steel shaft, PSS dripless shaft seal, new cutlass bearings (3), Prop tune, 3 transducer install and a couple through hulls replaced.

2016 Electronics upgrades - New Simrad Nss12 evo2 electronics including chirp transducer and structure scan transducers, B&G radar, Simrad vhf and AIS location display and transmission.

2016 Interior - New bimini and new cushions throughout the interior. Bluetooth capable stereo with new speakers inside and out.

2017 - Engine serviced - new filters, fluid and zincs. Fresh bilge coat. New paint on all window trim. Decks bleached. Haul compounded and waxed. Name plates refinished.


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RTF - when I took the other pictures the engine room was still being cleaned. You are right, I should get some up here as well so I will head down to the marina in the next day or two and update the link with some new pics.
Engine Room pics

Sorry...I got a little busy with the day job and just finally got back down there today. Here are some pics of the engine room. I also updated the album here



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She is a beauty! Wish she had twins.
Can you tell me what year GB did away with the steel column directly in front of the lower helm? This darn thing is stopping my wife from going with GB!
dmooch - I am not sure but there are folks with much more expertise on this forum when it comes to GBs than me! Hopefully someone will buzz in and help you find that perfect boat for you and your wife :)
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