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1988 Cape Dory 33 Poweryacht

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Nov 7, 2017
I have my 1988 33 Cape Dory Poweryacht for sale. The boat is in very good condition with numerous upgrades over the years. Original Volvo Tamd41a diesels with less than 1,000hrs on them. Boat cruises at 12-13kts at 3,000rpm burning under 10gal/hr combined. Mase 2000 generator with approximately 200hrs, also flexible solar panel is sewn into Bimini top. 12,000btu marine air A/C unit. Propane stove and oven. Raymarine C120 chartplotter and radar.
This boat has a lot of room for its size. The separate stall shower is bigger than ones I’ve seen in 40+ boats.
This boat is a great boat and has served me very well. Only reason for selling is that I’ve outgrown it and am moving up. Time for someone else to enjoy it as much as I have. More details and pictures can be found on yachtworld with Curtis Stokes. Asking $69,500
Feel free to PM me for more details and information. IMG_4047.jpgkj
Great boats and well made....Avoiding all the issues from '80's Taiwanese trawlers of the same vintage. We love our '88 28....I'd buy another in a heartbeat if I was in the market..
Is this the same company that makes the Cape Dory sailboats? Had a Cape Dory Typhoon. Very high quality construction.
Pretty boat. You should probably post a lot more photos.
Is this the same company that makes the Cape Dory sailboats? Had a Cape Dory Typhoon. Very high quality construction.

Yes.....They ventured into PowerBoats in the Mid 80's. Same great construction.. Not many of the trawler types ever built. 220 or so of the 28's in 3 configurations and lesser numbers for the 30, 33, 36 models in the sedan style....By the early 90's they were out of business. A victim, like many , of the economy... The quality and universality of the parts used means I can still buy OEM spec'd parts for my '88. The Volvo engine is another story with somewhat pricey and hard to find parts...Not that I've needed them as the TAMD-41P has been very reliable, essentially needing nothing since the 2002 re-power and 1750 hours..
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These are great boats of excellent quality. I have been very happy with my Volvo Diesels. When I bought the boat in 2007 I rebuilt all the fuel injectors and upgraded the air cooler housings. Since then these engines have not cost me any money other than routine maintenance. I would happily purchase another boat with Volvo’s.
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Cape Dory’s are excellent quality boats. The Volvo Diesels have treated me very well in the 10 years I’ve owned the boat. When I purchased the boat I rebuilt all the injectors and upgraded the air coolers to the newer style housing. After that all I have ever had to do is regular scheduled maintenance. I too was a little afraid of the Volvo’s initially because like most people on here say parts are expensive, yet when the original parts don’t break the cost of parts hasn’t been an issue for me since I haven’t needed any. I would not hesitate to purchase another boat with well maintained Volvo’s.
Below is a link to the full details and photos of my Cape Dory.

I haven’t done any long cruising at slower speeds to give you a 100% accurate answer. I always guesstimated it to be around 5gal/hr at 2,000 rpm and around 7kts.
Cape Dory (yes same builder) also built 5 commercial fishing draggers. The first one, "Dory One" was well known around Rockport Mass and Mass Bay. Its still fishing as I understand,under a different name.
I have my 1988 33 Cape Dory Poweryacht for sale. The boat is in very good condition with numerous upgrades over the years. Original Volvo Tamd41a diesels with less than 1,000hrs on them. Boat cruises at 12-13kts at 3,000rpm burning under 10gal/hr combined. Mase 2000 generator with approximately 200hrs, also flexible solar panel is sewn into Bimini top. 12,000btu marine air A/C unit. Propane stove and oven. Raymarine C120 chartplotter and radar.
This boat has a lot of room for its size. The separate stall shower is bigger than ones I’ve seen in 40+ boats.
This boat is a great boat and has served me very well. Only reason for selling is that I’ve outgrown it and am moving up. Time for someone else to enjoy it as much as I have. More details and pictures can be found on yachtworld with Curtis Stokes. Asking $69,500
Feel free to PM me for more details and information.View attachment 79767kj
Did you sell this boat?
Thank you, Roger Ware, Kingston, ON, Canada
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