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2000 Rosborough RF246 Custom Wheelhouse New Bern NC 68K

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Veteran Member
Feb 7, 2016
United States
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
1997 Mainship 34 Motor Yacht
2000 Rosborough RF246 hull number #224 Custom wheelhouse model
2022 Suzuki 200 hp outboard less than 50 hours with 4.5 year remaining warranty
Suzuki SMG4 digital multifunction gauge with NMEA2000 network to GPS
Nextwave aluminum engine setback bracket new 2022
Garmin ECHOMAP Plus 74cv Chartplotter networked updated charts US/Bahamas
Standard Horizon Eclipse VHF linked to GPS new 2021
New Hamilton Marine Heavy duty rubrail installed 2021
New Isotherm refrigerator 12VDC/110AC installed 2021
New 2 Burner Dometic propane cooktop installed 2021 uses 1lb propane cylinders
(2) Group 27 house batteries new 2021 and Group 24 starting battery w/switch
(2) 100 watt solar panels on roof and MPPT controller new 2021
New Delta plow anchor, chain and line on bow roller, Danforth stern anchor in bag
Forespar Cargo Mate hoist rated for 300 pounds, easily removable
Custom made screened enclosure for cockpit new 2022
Removable screens for all hatches and side doors
5,000 BTU portable air conditioner new 2021
Swim platforms either side of transom with stainless ladder added 2021
Custom transom fold down seat and storage box with cover added 2022
Pressure water with sink in cabin and rinse off shower in cockpit
4" memory foam topper added to V berth with custom fitted sheets
Jabsco manual head rebuilt 2021, 12 volt fan in V berth, Anchor windlass
12 volt and 110VAC outlets throughout, 50 foot Marinco 30 amp AC cord
Aluminum tandem axle bunk trailer rebuilt 2021, Electric brakes front axle
New 15" galvanized wheels and new 10 ply tires in 2022 with tire sun covers


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Wish I was in the market right know. I really have fallen in love with these boats.
The Rosborough has been sold. Thank you everyone.
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