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For Sale: 45' of floating Yowza!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Aug 8, 2011
I have NO affiliation but wanted to show this boat:socool:. I think its abso-smurfly bootiful. I' like an upper station but I feel it would really break up the lines of a head-turner extraordinaire. Anybody wanna buy my Mainship for around $90K!!!

45 ft trawler
That is one very nice looking boat. Too bad there aren't any interior shots or more info.
for 90k I would want some dericks to lift my dingy up, other wise not a bad rig.
Like a Sundowner Tug that needs to go on a diet; too big, too beamy, too big in the arse end :D
Too much powderhorn and a slab sided house for me.
They could have softened the wheelhouse shape a bit,

It reminds me of a 48' Krogen (on my shortlist of dreamboats)
Hmmmm .... as design is subjective I will say that from MY point of view, I'll pass. Very awkward looking boat in my opinion, which is worth exactly what you paid for it.

The hull's nice but then the designer dropped everything but his ruler.
Tweaks I'd like are:
larger eaves on wheelhouse with a slight downward break
rounded corners on the house
A-frame and rigging for paravanes with incorporated crane for dinghy and motorcycle
bigger and more scuppers
doors on the midship bulwarks to make boarding easier.
steps inset in the hull on either side and at the stern
commercial grade/size rubber rub rail

I like the way this boat appears to be a capable passagemaker, for the money it looks like a deal. BUT we only see the surface and have NO details other than length. So to me it is a fun exercise to fantasize about something like this as a springboard to what I'd like if ever in the position to commission a custom boat. I grew up on/around commercial fishing and oilfield boats so my preferences run to things I'm familiar with and having personal prejudices of their shortcomings and strengths makes me look at them differently than someone who knows pleasure yachts or military vessels, etc.
I'd cruise the hell out of it. It's just my kind of boat.Larry
Hmmmm .... as design is subjective I will say that from MY point of view, I'll pass. Very awkward looking boat in my opinion, which is worth exactly what you paid for it.

The hull's nice but then the designer dropped everything but his ruler.

You crack me up Marin - :iagree:

OK, looked at her again. I want to like her, but I just can't. Maybe it's a slightly lumpy sheer strake, because the bulwarks line looks pretty nice, and not as powderhorned as I originally thought, the bow sheer could have been expanded a bit. Maybe the lofters, not the designers fault, and the blue paint seems to accentuate it and I may not notice it otherwise. The pilot house I can live with, although some angle to the sides would've done wonders. Something about those cabin ports and the uneven handrails just looks awkward.
And until now, I've refrained from commenting on the forward raked wannabe windows which make the whole boat look like something out of a Popeye cartoon.

But I know there are people on this forum who like that sort of thing so I readily agree the window thing is a totally subjective design opinion on my part.
Well, I have no idea what else the boat has to offer, but based on the opinions above, it must be just the kind of boat I could identify with. I think its a Jim Dandy, and I'd probably just add a chrome stack and keep the name.
She's a passagemaker for sure and looks like she has to be away of shoal places....Steel hull, 90k. Not bad but I'd have to look more in detail, regardless design!
And until now, I've refrained from commenting on the forward raked wannabe windows

LOL I wondered how long you'd be able to hold out!:rofl:

I am one of those who like the forward raked windows. Having first hand experience with both, I like the look if done well, but I'd demand the function on a custom build. They shed water better and I prefer view the greater sun shading provides. But as you said subjective. Kinda like most of the things that cause the best discussions here.

Finding out she has a wooden house answers why it doesn't flow with the hull. Two completely different sets of workers and maybe even designers. Someone may have purchased this hull and had it finished elsewhere. Its hard to believe that the same person who designed such a Burlesque hull also decided to give it a crackhead house!
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Northernspy's link confirmed my original thought that it looks like an old commercial hull that'd been re-purposed as a cruiser. I agree with twiisted that whoever stuck the house on it wasn't the same one that designed the hull.
Holy Smoke! I just read through that link. She has nearly 3000!! gallon capacity in 2 fuel tanks. With the cost of fuel today that seems a little "odd" (couldn't think of a real PC word). I don't see the person who could afford a need for that range of fuel bill in a pleasure vessel buying this boat.
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