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For Sale: 46' Custom Built Trans Altlantic Long Range Trawler

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Apr 13, 2016
Vessel Name
M/V Pelagic
Vessel Make
Custom Built Long Range Trawler
John Deere engine model 4045DFM, 9KW Northern Lights, fine hardwoods, gourmet galley, full size appliances, ABYC compliant, wood work by master craftsman, excellent condition with low hours, launched 2011. No expense spared with this beautiful girl, must see. $589,000. Visit our website www.MVPelagic.com for detailed information, photos and videos or email dgill2@sbcglobal.net


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Looks like a Buehler Duck with a stack. Did you not use Buehler's plans? I looked on your website but didn't see mention of the designer. Maybe I missed it.

Nice job on the build. Good luck with the sale!
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Custom Diesel Duck

Yes, it is a Buehler Duck. I bought the plans, but ended up using only the hull plans, half breadths and height above base line, and general construction type. I increased transom angle, increased hull thickness, and generally beefed up the hull structurally. Even to the point of using triaxial dynel set in epoxy on the chine for the forward 18 feet. (this was to slide down the shipping container hit at 2:00 AM ;). I added a 44 foot long 3/4" X 6" steel keel shoe dropping down to 1/2" thick on the stem. All machinery installations and interior design are mine. (Masters Degree Engineering/Registered Professional Engineer retired). More details are on "mvpelagic.com" which is best viewed on a desktop until I get some code fixed. Chase down "Full Specifications".

M/V Pelagic
Rockport Harbor, TX

One of the TF regulars, MakoBuilder, has been wrestling with engine choice in a similar sized new build. What RPM and fuel consumption details have you realized for the JD 4045 with your very nice vessel?
46' Custom Duck

I cruise at a normal setting of 1800 rpm and a speed of 6.2 to 6.4 knots depending on how clean the hull is. Generator off, fuel consumption is about 1.6 GPH. If I'm headed out full loaded (58,000#) and low in the water I may run 1300 or 1500 RPM for a few days till I burn off some fuel weight. 1500 rpm is a definite sweet spot for long range stuff. Though I am a single chine hull, I am still considered full displacement type. My prismatic coefficient is 0.61. As far as having adequate power, here are my observations. I run a 3:1 gear with a high blade area ratio wheel. My static bollard pull is well over 2000#. Because of my draft (6'-3" half load) I run aground from time to time. I have always worked my way off, even one time off a rocky ledge where I was heeling quite a bit. Sure, I have to anticipate earlier and things take longer to happen. But I'm pretty nimble in close quarters anyway.

dd46 "Pelagic"
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Opps, forgot to answer "what makes it trans-atlantic". She has the fuel, range, and seaworthyness to cross USA/Bermuda/Azores/Europe picking up fuel in the Azores. I could do the Pacific if I slowed down and got fuel in Hawaii. But I have no plans to do either. I just like having the luxury of passing on the pricey marina fuels, and having a tanker truck deliver to the boat. Its usually a 500 gallon minimum for free delivery around here. Also, my fuel fill is a 3" camlock (2"vent) so I can take fuel fast.

M/V Pelagic
Dan, what a magnificent boat you've built. Bravo

Note; watch the guided tour video on his website.
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Very nice boat and interior!

How has the dry stack worked with the sail? Any sooting or heat problems on the sail?

What a gorgeous interior!
Website Issues

I apologize for the problems. I have somebody working on it. In the mean time, feel free to call or txt me at 361-463-7852.

M/V Pelagic
What's the reason for those odd angled knees in the shower stall? Is that a sink behind the toilet?

There is another angled knee at the base of those stairs. Seems like a lot of trip hazards for a moving platform like a boat.

Are those covering ribs?
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The larger one is covering a frame (rib). The smaller is a chase for anchor windlass hydraulic hoses that run under the sole from the ER to Shower. There is also an access hatch in the overhead of the shower but the hose fittings are tightened thru a small opening in the aft side of the windlass. Zero leakage, BTW. JIC fittings. -Dan
I haven't been using the sail since initial testing. Then I just rotated the exhaust outlet 90 degrees. Remember, this boat does not short tack upwind. So the mostly aft wind helps when the sail is not blocking it. I guess I could leave the clamp a little loose and rotate the exhaust to suit the situation. -Dan
I haven't been using the sail since initial testing. Then I just rotated the exhaust outlet 90 degrees. Remember, this boat does not short tack upwind. So the mostly aft wind helps when the sail is not blocking it. I guess I could leave the clamp a little loose and rotate the exhaust to suit the situation. -Dan

Good luck on the new knee! Do your PT! :D:D:D

That is good to know about the exhaust. A single swiveling pipe would be simpler that what I was pondering. :)

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