600 Zip Ties Later....

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Nov 14, 2012
The Tri Cities, WA where I have called home for 40 years has a Christmas Lighted Boat Parade every year. We have participated for about the last 15 years or so, starting with simple decorations like strings of lights zip tied around the bow rail.

Over the years as our boats got bigger the decorations became more elaborate. We’ve tried to do a different “theme” every year and have done Christmas themes, a Grinch theme, Seahawks, Breast Cancer Awareness (all decorations were done in pink) and a few others. With all the different themes the decorations were still fairly simple.

This year I decided to do a more elaborate theme. We decided to base it on the Seahawks but do it in a larger scale and more elaborate than we have done in the past. I thought about it all summer and came up with the idea of doing the Seahawk emblem but in a large size.

Here’s what we ended up with. It’s 20’ long x 4’ high except where the “12” is; that is 6’ tall, made of pegboard (4x4 sheets) and a 1”x3” frame..

This turned out to be a much larger project, not just in size but in the amount of time it took to put it together. I started putting the basic background together in August and worked on it sporadically until September when I got the parts I needed to do the lighting ordered.

The end result took over 600 zip ties, 450’ of 120VAC, ½” rope lighting, (150’ in blue and 300’ in white), a half dozen additional 120V plugs for the rope lighting, 36 connectors for the rope lighting, about 150 screws, nuts and washers in 10x24x2”, about 100’ of 1x3, five “garage hooks”, a can of black spray paint, a can of spray adhesive. To get the white to come out grey like the Seahawk logo I got some dark window tint from a local auto tint shop.

Here’s what their logo looks like. This is the model I used to lay it out on the pegboard then put it together.

Here’s what the finished product looks like in the garage before we took it down to the boat. You can see the picture of the Seahawk logo that I used for my pattern.



Six friends came over to help get it from the garage to the trailer and then to the boat.



Hanging it on the boat went easier than I expected. After we hung it I zip tied it to the bow rail so it wouldn’t come off. On the boat it looks like it's a bit off level. I did that because the bow rail is higher at the front than the stern. I did that so when we were on the water the Seahawk would be level.




Here’s the finished product ready to hit the parade route.


On Saturday night we were lucky enough to have a friend from Salt Lake City join us for the parade. He happened to be in town so Tina and I invited him to come along. I hadn't seen him for about 6 years and it was great to see him again. A good time was had by all.

Tina has been gracious enough to not ask what this has all cost.
Wifey B: Great lights, tremendous 12th man. :) But the Seahawks must go down tonight. :dance: I hope. My Panthers are struggling this year, but I'm still supporting them. :socool:

Omg, Rivera must be on drugs. Guess he figured he'd spot Seattle some points. Cam doesn't look happy.

Watching Lockette raise the 12 flag was nice.
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Great job Mike! With that much time invested, can only wonder what the beer tab was!

Fabulous! My grand kids would be so proud of you! (They live in Kirkland.)
Great thread! I'm sure the alcohol tab was bigger than the light tab! LOL!! Love it!
Thanks for the comments. Yeah, the beer tab kind of got up there!

You can't see it in the photos but the green eye pulses like it does on the Seahawk ads and what they show in the stadium.

As we cruised up and down the river we got a lot of cheers from the crowds lining the shore. Lots of Seahawk fans here in the Tri Cities!
You can't see it in the photos but the green eye pulses like it does on the Seahawk ads and what they show in the stadium.

As we cruised up and down the river we got a lot of cheers from the crowds lining the shore. Lots of Seahawk fans here in the Tri Cities!

Wifey B: I'm sure. Passionate Seahawk fans and a lot to cheer about last night. We were lifeless and all over a tie or the lack thereof. Congrats to Seahawk's. Guess we better stick to playing them in pro basketball. oops. That wasn't nice of me with the Sonics moving to OKC. Bad me. :nonono::nonono::nonono: Our team moved but we got another. You will one day. :)

Long live the 12th man. My praises to your decorations. :)
Great decorations.

I did enjoy the game last night a whole lot better than the one last week. Never sure which SeaHawks team is going to show up from week to week.
What is the "12" for?
What is the "12" for?

Seahawks are famous for having a very full, very loud stadium, making it tough on other teams. The fans are labeled the 12th man and their advantage to have 12 vs. 11. They've earned this for years. Actually been litigation over the term 12th man. Texas A&M turned out to own the rights to "12th Man." Now Seattle has licensed 12th man from Texas A&M and gone to using the term "12s" more often. A&M owns the trademark and so Seattle is paying royalties for 12th man, none for 12s. Licensed for 5 years. The Indianapolis Colts also used it and when sued, they agreed to stop. Tangled web and situation where you have to trademark everything and check existing trademarks it appears. So slowly becoming the 12s but it represents the fans.

Pat Riley trademarked "Three-peat" and "3-peat" and no one can use those on shirts or anything else without royalties.
It's interesting to drive around WA state because you see the Seahawk emblem and the number 12 everywhere. Car stickers, clothing, it seems everywhere you look there are Seahawk signs. I had a guy I barely knew who is an over the road trucker. He asked me what the draw was with the Hawks because, as he put it, you see their stuff everywhere. No other state he's driven through has so much loyalty visible wherever you look.

Dave, you're right about which team shows up. I swear the team that showed up last week were imposters in Seattle Seahawk uniforms. The right team sure showed up yesterday.
It's interesting to drive around WA state because you see the Seahawk emblem and the number 12 everywhere. Car stickers, clothing, it seems everywhere you look there are Seahawk signs. I had a guy I barely knew who is an over the road trucker. He asked me what the draw was with the Hawks because, as he put it, you see their stuff everywhere. No other state he's driven through has so much loyalty visible wherever you look.

Dave, you're right about which team shows up. I swear the team that showed up last week were imposters in Seattle Seahawk uniforms. The right team sure showed up yesterday.

Look at their record with and without Michael Bennett. It's not just his play but he brings something to the others. Now I also think Russell Wilson is feeling the best he has and some others recovering from injuries. A huge key this game was their running game.
You're right about Michael Bennett. He's a real spark plug for the team as well as a helluva defensive player. It'll be interesting to see how things go with Earl Thomas on the IR list.

On a different subject, I found this photo of Beachcomber all decked out for the parade....

Mike, our guests Saturday night really liked your Hawk decorations. Beachcomber looked great!
I'm waiting on a nice pic of Long Shot by the cable bridge taken by "Hammer Time". This is a marginal shot from our dock at the PBB.


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Eric, Long Shot looks great. I like the star mounted up top and the lights trailing down from it.

If you need some help locating the owner of Hammer Time just let me know. He's a member of our club and I have his contact info.

The one thing I don't get to do during the parade is spend much time admiring the other boats. I'm too busy driving or watching the person I let take the helm. I often let guests take turns at the helm. It makes the trip a bit more special for them but a bit more tiring for me because of having to keep such a close eye on them.

I still have the Seahawk on the boat. I'm trying to arrange with the owner of the trailer to get it down here next weekend. He stores it in Eltopia. Then I'll need to round up a few friends to help get the Seahawk off the boat and onto the trailer. It isn't heavy, just awkward.
It's interesting to drive around WA state because you see the Seahawk emblem and the number 12 everywhere. Car stickers, clothing, it seems everywhere you look there are Seahawk signs. I had a guy I barely knew who is an over the road trucker. He asked me what the draw was with the Hawks because, as he put it, you see their stuff everywhere. No other state he's driven through has so much loyalty visible wherever you look.

Great job Mike. You see 12 flags everywhere north too, from B.C. to Alaska! My son and I attend at least one game a year and it is VERY loud in the stadium.....:eek:

Patriots fan here (grew up in Boston area). :hide:

Aside from my distaste for the Seahawks, congrats, very creative!

Patriots fan here (grew up in Boston area). :hide:

Aside from my distaste for the Seahawks, congrats, very creative!

Wifey B: I know that was hard for you. I'm a Carolina Panthers fan so it really hurt me, but it is nice as is their fan support and passion. We're in South Florida now and too many other things to do so the sports fans are not as passionate in their support. You walk around Seattle and you see and hear Seahawks everywhere. Down here you'll see people wearing shirts from all teams and you'll walk around and never hear the teams mentioned.:)
Well this just in from Green bay.:eek:


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Hmmmm, that looks more like bits and pieces of Cam Newton that are left over after the Hawks chewed him up!
Hmmmm, that looks more like bits and pieces of Cam Newton that are left over after the Hawks chewed him up!

Wifey B: "Fiscal Responsibility" started our problems this year, followed by injuries. The defense is really chewed up. It will be interesting to see if they reverse things for next year.

Cam's really a good guy even if he sometimes does dumb things. NFL is full of teams having huge swings from year to year. I think our best defensive player will have to retire at 25 years old due to concussions. :cry:

Why do coaches have great results with roll out and running QB's and then decide to try to turn that QB into a pocket passer? :confused:
Why do coaches have great results with roll out and running QB's and then decide to try to turn that QB into a pocket passer? :confused:

To protect the owners investment. Quarterbacks aren't notoriously durable and rushers are even less so over time, on average.
To protect the owners investment. Quarterbacks aren't notoriously durable and rushers are even less so over time, on average.

Wifey B: Yes, but you take away his strength. Like telling your best RB not to run. He is 250 lbs. You just tell him to get out of bounds and slide when appropriate. His career might be shorter, but better. Just he isn't the ordinary QB. I agree reduce the hits but still rolling is a strength and helps buy time. Getting hit in the pocket's not exactly a kiss.

That wasn't their downfall this year though. You lose your best CB and your best LB and your best DL and you're in trouble, especially when they're your leaders in emotion too. :)

No more football talk, back to parades. :D
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