'78 GB42 alternator and tach replacement

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May 10, 2017
Well my pulse generators off of my FL120 have finally stopped working. Apparently these generators are no longer manufactured and need to look into alternatives. I currently have two old alternators that I am looking to replace and thinking of just buying a 90 amp alternator and but want to make sure that I can hook these up to allof my stewart warner Tachs (SWW-82620). There are instructions on the tachs on how to set the PINs and then the calculation of alternator pully to crankshaft pully diamaters to set the RPM. So, is this the most common way to do this? I am relatively new to this set-up and would love some advice.

Current alternators are 8AR2169 on my port side and then 8EM2025KA on my stbd. I am looking at buying two alternators off amazon ( search lehman alternator and they pop up). Will these work? Do all alternators have an AC tap?

THanks so much in advance
Sorry, forgot to mention that the ones I have are very old and the stated amperage on one is 37A and the other is 51A. So... I think its best to replace w new ones.

I'll be interested in what you come up with. I would like a bit more from my alternator but don't want or need to spend big money on it.
Try contacting Harbor Marine in Everett, WA. They may have a couple of those generators.

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