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Moderator Emeritus
Sep 12, 2011
After much discussion and 20+ years experience rescuing abused pets we decided to no longer adopt pets after our current herd of pets pass. All of which are well over 10 years old. Naturally 2 weeks after deciding that our newest pet found us. Pearl was severely abused and neglected by her former owners. She is about 3 year old Lab cross that is now convalescing on our couch for the rest of her life.

She is emaciated but should regain her weight as we rehabilitate her. After a rough start in life it's safe to say she hit the lottery. It has always amazed me no matter how cruel folks can be to animals how quickly they respond to a loving environment.


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After much discussion and 20+ years experience rescuing abused pets we decided to no longer adopt pets after our current herd of pets pass. All of which are well over 10 years old. Naturally 2 weeks after deciding that our newest pet found us. Pearl was severely abused and neglected by her former owners. She is about 3 year old Lab cross that is now convalescing on our couch for the rest of her life. She is emaciated but should regain her weight as we rehabilitate her. After a rough start in life it's safe to say she hit the lottery. It has always amazed me no matter how cruel folks can be to animals how quickly they respond to a loving environment.
It's so sweet to hear rescue story's like that!:) I'm sure she'll enjoy her years of boating. My dad got our now passed, panther from an Everglades rescue shelter way back. She lived an nice 21 year life that's for sure! I could already see pearls future, LOL.


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It's so sweet to hear rescue story's like that!:) I'm sure she'll enjoy her years of boating. My dad got our now passed, panther from an Everglades rescue shelter way back. She lived an nice 21 year life that's for sure! I could already see pearls future, LOL.

I love cat's, but dang dude! That things as big as you were.
Beautiful cat! Sorry to hear of it's passing.:(

I love the pic of the 3 dogs:thumb:
After much discussion and 20+ years experience rescuing abused pets we decided to no longer adopt pets after our current herd of pets pass. All of which are well over 10 years old. Naturally 2 weeks after deciding that our newest pet found us. Pearl was severely abused and neglected by her former owners. She is about 3 year old Lab cross that is now convalescing on our couch for the rest of her life.

She is emaciated but should regain her weight as we rehabilitate her. After a rough start in life it's safe to say she hit the lottery. It has always amazed me no matter how cruel folks can be to animals how quickly they respond to a loving environment.

I have to agree with that last statement 100%!

I don't know you personally, but you folks are awesome people for adopting/rescuing abused and neglected pets.

Enjoy your new mate, and thank you for what you've done!:thumb:

Panther? I love cat's, but dang dude! That things as big as you were. Beautiful cat! Sorry to hear of it's passing.:( I love the pic of the 3 dogs:thumb:
Yep! Since she was raised from when she was a baby, she's was a total plush toy as in she was the most affectionate cat ever! :)

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