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Sep 25, 2020
Vessel Make
I appreciate being added as a member. After retiring to the PNW a few years ago we tried sailing for a couple of years with a Catalina 30 and decided that wasn't working for us so we are now looking for a Nordic Tug. I appreciate all of the sharing of information on the forum and hope to contribute as well.

Welcome Tug Boat Bob!
Best of luck on your search for a Tug.

I had a tug once. 1600 tons, 205 feet long, 38 beam, 14 draft, four D399 Caterpillars coupled to an electric engine swinging a 14-foot prop. Crew of 69. Carried 96,000 gallons of diesel.


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Welcome aboard and good luck on finding the Tug of your dreams. If you have any specific questions related to Nordic Tugs, send me a PM and we can exchange email addresses and converse.
Enjoy the search, it can be great fun.
I appreciate all of the welcoming comments. As it stands we have a contract on a 2000 NT32. I'm trying not to get too excited as we had a contract on another NT32 earlier this year but fell through as the seller decided against a NT37 he planned on buying. So far this deal is looking good pending a survey on Wednesday. The tug is very clean with good maintenance records and I believe the owners took pride in keeping it in top shape which is the type of boat I've been searching for. Keeping my fingers crossed...

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