Before the problem started was any work done on the fuel system? Filter changes?
Racors have a ball check whose seat can be reversed easily but it is important to ensure it goes in the correct way. It is marked but is easily missed with the result of similar problems.
Fuel pumps can develop leaks and suck air when the diaphram starts to fail. Sometimes the fuel will end up in the crankcase.
Any filter can leak air into the system if assembled improperly or not tightened properly. Sometimes a seal gets out of place during assembly.
Of course hoses can fail, clamps loosen, fittings loosen.
A VERY close examination of the entire system can sometimes find a fuel weep where it should not be. Use of a BLUE paper shop towel to wipe around fittings and hose connections may show a problem. The blue towels will show a distinct colour change where a white towel will not.
A clear vinyl hose used temporarily between the engine and the last filter, then the lift pump and the filter and so on may highlight where the problem lies. THere will be bubbles but once bled they should be gone. If the hose shows bubbles again then the item just before may be the offender. Move it to the other side of the expected offender and if no bubbles appear anymore then you have found the culprit.
No, I'm not the one who thought of or suggested the clear vinyl hose, just passing it on.