AIS and enforcement

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Many great tech ideas came in a flash of inspiration....others take decades to develop.....and are partly funded by governments for the benefits of the eventual outcome.
I would rather NOT have wind turbines at all.....
Their useful life is not worth their cost and maintenance, if any is actually performed.
I do support commonsense measures to support and protect wildlife.

Note: these current cost numbers improve as the size of the turbine gets bigger
(GE's newest is 12 MW):

A smaller offshore wind turbine (6MW) costs about $7,500,000 to make + install.
At 50% capacity -a typical and a conservative estimate- it will earn $550,000/yr,
while costing about $75,000 per year to operate and maintain, so net $475k/yr.
So that's a 15 year breakeven on the initial investment minus interest so 20 year.
This is for the least polluting, least impact, cheapest and quickest to build power.

That is why you will continue to have new wind turbines to not like in the future.
For fun and extra credit, do the same cost comparison for a nuclear power plant.
That is why you will not have new nuclear power plants to like/dislike in the future.
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Note: these current cost numbers improve as the size of the turbine gets bigger
(GE's newest is 12 MW):

A smaller offshore wind turbine (6MW) costs about $7,500,000 to make + install.
At 50% capacity -a typical and a conservative estimate- it will earn $550,000/yr,
while costing about $75,000 per year to operate and maintain, so net $475k/yr.
So that's a 15 year breakeven on the initial investment minus interest so 20 year.
This is for the least polluting, least impact, cheapest and quickest to build power.

That is why you will continue to have new wind turbines to not like in the future.
For fun and extra credit, do the same cost comparison for a nuclear power plant.
That is why you will not have new nuclear power plants to like/dislike in the future.
Guess it is a good thing that I may not be around for much longer.......
What makes wind less polluting over solar?

Guess I could look it up.... but the many sides.....
Materials to construct. Added benefit less subject to geopolitical risks in supply chain.
Wind and hydro are not without environmental impacts but can be constructed with current domestic resources. As with your financial position diversification has merits.
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Materials to construct. Added benefit less subject to geopolitical risks in supply chain.
Wind and hydro are not without environmental impacts but can be constructed with current domestic resources. As with your financial position diversification has merits.

Links to all, as my experience says solar is just as accessible.
Agreed in current circumstances. Of interest apparently there’s a whole new ecosystem that develops under solar panels. If panels aren’t thin film materials are commonly available so you’re right I over stated the difficulties. Been looking at that technology in my reading which distorted my thoughts.

In 2020, the United States imported roughly 86% of new solar PV modules, (From treehugger). They also state 1% from China.
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There is a huge obvious difference between a violation of this Reg and speeding on roads.

The fine was $15,000 in the link of the first post.

For that revenue they will use every tool.

Obviously whale lives matter more than human lives.
Links to all, as my experience says solar is just as accessible.
I'm sure you are right. If the land can acquired cheaply and weather cooperates,
solar is tough to beat. My previous post was in response to OSD's wind power post.
Thats why I posted that, IMO, offshore wind power is cost effective at current prices.
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I wouldn't worry about AIS. If the feds really want to enforce speeding laws in the whale areas, all they have to is set up geo fencing and let your phone tell them who was speeding.
I wouldn't worry about AIS. If the feds really want to enforce speeding laws in the whale areas, all they have to is set up geo fencing and let your phone tell them who was speeding.

This won’t work. You would only have evidence that some one was there. You wouldn’t have evidence of a boat.

I've been on commercial fishboats and now our pleasure boat for over 50 years here in the PNW. AIS is one of the most significant safety upgrades to come along. Between it and VTS it gives mariners the ability to contact other vessels in an intelligent manner. Anyone that doesn't realize this and is worried about broadcasting their position for what ever illegal or paranoid reason they have should get off the water or change their behaviour.
Law Breakers

This entire discussion is absurd. Obey the law and you have nothing to worry about. If you don’t like a law there are ways to change it thru Marine Trade and yacht club organizations.
Law enforcement looks at the internet and sees who is broadcasting either being in a restricted area or traveling at excessive speed and then mails a ticket.

Ahhhh…,no. For the owner of the vessel (or car) to receive and be liable for a citation, the identity of the driver must be established. Admittedly, being retired for several years following a 45 yr LE career, some things may have changed a bit…but for speeding, the driver is identified & cited, not the carriage.
Mike K
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Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at things, it's impossible for me to get to 10mph unless I'm downstream on the Mississippi. I'll be keeping my AIS on.
This entire discussion is absurd. Obey the law and you have nothing to worry about. If you don’t like a law there are ways to change it thru Marine Trade and yacht club organizations.


Just to repeat, its 10 knots not 10MPH. So thats more like 11.5MPH

I general do 8 to 10 knots. I'm safe............
Law enforcement looks at the internet and sees who is broadcasting either being in a restricted area or traveling at excessive speed and then mails a ticket. QUOTE]

Ahhhh…,no. For the owner of the vessel (or car) to receive and be liable for a citation, the identity of the driver must be established. Admittedly, being retired for several years following a 45 yr LE career, some things may have changed a bit…but for speeding, the driver is identified & cited, not the carriage.
Mike K
Maritime Law Enfocement or landside?
AIS & Enforcement

OK, is the point of this discussion to comment about the benefits of AIS or to comment that the 400 Right Whales in the world today need some protection from the 35'+ boats that barrel out to the fishing grounds to get their customers trophy for the wall and check off the bucket list?

I gue4ss we just need to know people's priorities.
Law enforcement looks at the internet and sees who is broadcasting either being in a restricted area or traveling at excessive speed and then mails a ticket. QUOTE]

Ahhhh…,no. For the owner of the vessel (or car) to receive and be liable for a citation, the identity of the driver must be established. Admittedly, being retired for several years following a 45 yr LE career, some things may have changed a bit…but for speeding, the driver is identified & cited, not the carriage.
Mike K

Nope, at least not universal by state. Maryland has speeding cameras that take your car's picture with speed and date stamp. While they can't ticket the driver or the owner, the fine goes against the vehicle. They also have red light violation cameras for chronic areas. Same rule, ticket the car not the driver or owner.

I wouldn't worry about AIS. If the feds really want to enforce speeding laws in the whale areas, all they have to is set up geo fencing and let your phone tell them who was speeding.
All that would do is reveal that the phone was speeding.
There is a huge obvious difference between a violation of this Reg and speeding on roads.

The fine was $15,000 in the link of the first post.

For that revenue they will use every tool.

Obviously whale lives matter more than human lives.
Uh, there is a Constitutional provision that addresses "excessive fines". Fifteen grand might be unconstitutional.
This won’t work. You would only have evidence that some one was there. You wouldn’t have evidence of a boat.

All that takes is investigation. The cops that know how to use geo fencing know how to do that, too. (Electronic surveillance and investigation was my specialty in federal law enforcement).

People have no idea how much their phones can rat them out. That’s why I find concern about what AIS is telling law enforcement amusing. The time to be worried about anything like that was twenty five years ago.
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Makes it easier to not worry about whales becoming extinct? Me, I sorry for my kids generation.
I doubt any of us will miss those 400 whales. Species have come and gone by the thousands over the eons.
“I doubt any of us will miss those 400 whales. Species have come and gone by the thousands over the eons.“-CJ

Hope you’re consistent and have the same attitude towards humans. We’ll be the first species who with for knowledge eliminated ourselves. You’re judging a minor annoyance against death of a magnificent species.
Seems to be getting a bit political. What do the rules state about political posts?
Sorry but felt prior post a bit callous. Yes an emotional response. Have no issues killing deer for venison who will otherwise be winterkill. Nor boating trout if I’m going to eat them. But otherwise try not to kill things.
Only if you intensionally broadcast your GPS' output to alert other drivers.
It's not the same. Police has been able to access your vehicle through the manufacturer since the 1990's. GM in Flint MI can disable your vehicle at will. Heard of ONSTAR? Other vehicle operators and law enforcement have different access.
You would be surprised......
Over the holidays I had dinner with 2 of my nephews. Nephew A works for the government as a computer engineer, he won't say who exactly he works for. Nephew B was kidding me about having the GPS on my phone turned off. "Do you think they're tracking you?", he asked with a laugh. Nephew A didn't look up, he only said "They are."
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