Another Hurricane Michael dividend

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Oct 8, 2007
Panama City area
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Mainship 30 Pilot II since 2015. GB-42 1986-2015. Former Unlimited Tonnage Master
It has been about 3.5 years since the cat 5 Hurricane Michael roared through here knocking down millions of pine trees, more than could ever be cleared away because so many of them are in remote areas. The load of combustible material is around 25 time the normal load, and we have been having a very dry spell over the last few months. With strong winds and human bad behavior, we finally have the flaming results, and wildfires have been blazing away near Panama City for days. We have around 50 big forest service bulldozer/plow combinations trying to corral these wildfires plus a number of National Guard helicopters, including CH-47 Chinooks and H-60 Blackhawks, dumping water.

I have been watching the huge plumes of smoke blowing by just a few miles to the east and came to the conclusion that his is a poor time to be waiting on a cooling pump repair to get my boat's engine back online should we have an unfortunate wind shift. Hopefully, that gets resolved tomorrow....
Oh damn. Sorry to hear that.
The storm that keeps on giving and will for years to come.
Let me know if you need a tow to get your boat out of harm's way. ;)
Rich, Very sorry to hear. Saw the aftermath driving 98 after the storm and have been hearing about the fires. We love it up there. God bless/Good luck
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