Anyone having problems getting on GB site

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Sep 4, 2011
Been having no luck accessing the GB site. Is anyone else having the same problems. Not the GB beacon Site the other GB owners site.
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Occasionally I'm routed to a "D-Link" page.
There was some criticism of a posting that Bob made on the Dock Talk section and words flew - the result was he deleted some postings that were critical of his position and subsequently the site went down. I have no idea who pulled it down but it was likely Bob. He has a very extensive knowledge of GBs and contributes some good advice but he will not countenance criticism. He also has some strong opinions about politics and that attracted some differences of opinion. If we could keep the GB site about GBs or at least no soapboxing the site would work better.

I personally have resolved to never open the Dock Talk section ever again.
Looks like the site is back up.

... at least for me it is.
Just tried to get on the GB Forum Rusty and still nothing. Maybe it will come back soon. It is a great resource and I would hate to see it go away.
You must be talking about the "GB Beacon" site, it has been down for weeks for me.
Perhaps we are talking about two different forums. I was referring to the site.
I was referring to the site Randy was talking about. It is still not working for me yet.
I had problems with the site yesterday, too...

Grand Banks Owner's Resources

...but it seems to have returned to normal for me. Maybe Marin caused an overload of the circuits in his argument with Bob Lowe. Seems to have subsided.

Thanks for your update. I tried your link and still no go yet. Have there been any posts on there about the site being down? It is kind of an addiction like Yacht World, once you are using it is very difficult to not have it available. :rolleyes:

It has been such a great site for questions about our GB and it is highly valued.
Hello everyone.

I bought a GB 32 in 2008 (in Florida, now in New York state, upstate). Both of those GB websites were of great use to me. Lowe's was the one I came upon first. But then I found Beacon, and Mike Negley, a very knowledgeable and amiable man (by contrast).

Lowe's site is up, as of today. But the GB Beacon site is not. On the other hand, the address itself is still viable--i.e., it does not produce a 404 message. Perhaps it will return. I hope so.

Arguing is folly.


Well.........looks like it down again this morning from my spot in Washington.
I am posting this here to say goodbye to the Fine members of the IAGBO site. I have spent over 2500 posts conversing about (mostly) boats with you. Thank you for teaching me and letting me make suggestions to you about those lovely Grand Banks boats. Please pass on my regrets to other members who do not frequent this great Trawler site and thank you for reading this!

I dared to confront Bob Lowe over his assertion that the Twin Towers were brought down by nuclear devices. I suggested that anyone who seriously thought that was true "...might be off his rocker." For some reason this seemed to annoy him.

That was why the site was down.

As a result, I have been banned from the IAGBO site, an effective way of silencing one's critics.

Why there was any discussion about politics on the GB site in the first place begs the question, but Bob likes his soapbox. While criticizing the US from his home outside of the US, Bob cannot himself abide being criticized and had often stated that a Canadian had no business having an opinion on US matters.

I admit, like a trout, this time I rose to the bait. It was my own fault for breaking one of my own rules, opening Dock Talk and actually reading it. I think I also suggested that anyone reading that stuff would be better off to go and varnish something. That seemed to inflame the situation more.

A lesson for members of both sites, 'keep it all about the boats' and I apologize if this posting is marginal in that regard.

Ken Dibnah

Although I was an infrequent poster I was a regular reader of IAGBO. I looked at Docktalk just a few times and realized that it was no place for me. If I had seen Lowe's remark about the Twin Towers (I was there on 9/11), I would have been astounded. But various discussions of cancer (which I have) also astounded me.

I came here, to the TrawlerForum, to which I am largely new, trying to find out what happened to GBBeacon and Mike Negley. I understand that the origin of these two sites (IAGBO and Beacon) lay in conflict, again involving (I believe) Bob Lowe for one. Negley seems (seemed?) like an easy-going, reasonable fellow with a lot of knowledge. The problem had to do with GB Inc's sponsorship, I gather.

Well, I don't know what to say, apart from the fact that I'm sorry all that befell you. I think I'll lurk here for a while! It seems peaceful enough.

The world, not to mention the US, seem ever-more riven with conflict and strife and belligerency, so much of it irrational. I would be very happy to live on my boat out of harm's way--granted my wife might ask where I'd gone.

Good luck, and thanks for the explanation.

Thanks Alarik, I like it here a lot too, just wish all the GBers were here with us!

Godspeed with your struggle - I've avoided it so far but my family hasn't. All the best.
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I'm here, Ken! I go by Mahalo Moi on GB Owners forum. I believe a grain of salt brought down the towers...
Sounds like unnecessary drama over there. To bad because there are so many GB owners who would love the input from other owners. I would bail outta there as well.
The Hull truth is known to be kind of aggressive to people from time to time.
A grain of salt brings down many towers!
Sorry to hear about being shunned. I appreciated your posts and loved the boat you bought. I looked at it every time I was in cow bay.

The site is hard for me to access now if I am not at home. Odd.

Love the info there and hope others don't drop out because of this. I avoid Dock Talk now because of this, and I do not usually participate in political discussions because of the volatility associated with them.
I remember a time when we could discuss our different views on politics, religion, etc. Now I've learned to stay quiet most of the time. Sad.

I lean right, Ken leans what? We certainly aren't going to change the world one way or the other. What has changed is the way people treat each other. Almost with a hatred that boarders on scary! The nature of the internet, I suppose.
Actually, I can't remember which way I lean politically but since my knee op I have a slight list to starboard, usually correctable by drugs or alcohol. My boat has its galley, workbench, head and Captain's Cabin all on the port side, hence a slight list to the left, which I intend to correct by only letting guests sleep on the starboard side.

I feel somewhat like how a telemarketer must feel when the victim doesn't like the pitch so he hangs up on you. I would never compare my plight to anything as serious as J.D. Salinger or D.H. Lawrence. Jennifer Lawrence, maybe. Wait....
Keith, thanks for the boat compliment, I'm somewhat less enamoured by her since I tried to clean the rust stains with acid and ended up in the Sechelt hospital half a day, spent the month replacing the fibreglass-wrapped exhaust, changed all the poop hoses and now the toilet, found moisture in the ceiling from a leaking hatch and ripped the whole ceiling down, had 20 zincs welded to her bottom, rebuilt the hydraulics... but now she floats and runs and toots (had to fix the horn); the guest accommodation is less like a logging camp and more like a hostel and we have the mother of all coffee makers on board so life is good. All I need is some garden furniture for the top deck so I have an alternative to my hammock and I will be a happy man.
Wow, that is a bit of work you've done. I just loved her lines and she looks like such a nice vessel for our waters. I hope to run into you out there sometime and get a tour of her so I can see what she really looks like.
You mean add another dent or raft up and share a beaker of wine? I'd like that, in fact any GB owner can take a run at us, we have coffee!
Lol, no dents intended, but the wine sounds fine to me. We are headed up to the Gulf Islands in August to hang out for a couple of weeks.
We may be in Pendrell then, really not sure how far to wander, we are going to sneak up on cruising this year, to make sure the lump is sound. We might get to the Gulf Islands but there's usually too many people there in the summer. Fall is better.
Agree on the fall and spring cruising, lack of people out and about. But, the wife is not retired yet so we do what we can. We tend to stay away from e crowds regardless. Had a great time in Degnen Bay last year and walked to the petroglyphs. Ended up writing a short Halloween story about the stay there and all the derelict boats. Kind of a Zombie thing....
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