Apology ANGUS99

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Jul 6, 2012
Vessel Name
Alaskan Sea-Duction
Vessel Make
1988 M/Y Camargue YachtFisher
Hey folks I want to apologize to Angus99. In the below thread I was responding to Angus99. When I typed the response mentioning Angus99 my phone did an auto correct and changed it to anus.

My deepest apology for this Angus99.

I was called out by an Amin and rightfully so. It wasn't my fault, but I will take ownership. I would not purposely call anyone this.

I got a new phone about 2 months ago a S10e. I can not figure out how to turn auto correct off! Any help?

Damned auto-correct! Didn`t see it, but good on you for apologizing.
I feel your pain...


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It's cool...if it hasn't happened to someone yet.... they are very good or very lucky.

I like it usually, but things do slip by from time to time.
AlaskaProf and I did our grad work at the University of Alaska. Master of *public* administration. In one sentence my capstone (thesis kind of thing) in *public* administration auto-corrected to - and of course spell check passed right over it - pubic administration.

Happens to the best of us.
ASD, I appreciate the note. No harm, no foul. These are charged topics and some of my posts haven’t exactly been restrained. We may never agree on masking but I don’t need to take my frustrations out on someone who’s offered help when I’ve asked. Besides, I’ve been called a variation of your typo by my wife more than once—and we’re still together. :thumb:
ASD, I appreciate the note. No harm, no foul. These are charged topics and some of my posts haven’t exactly been restrained. We may never agree on masking but I don’t need to take my frustrations out on someone who’s offered help when I’ve asked. Besides, I’ve been called a variation of your typo by my wife more than once—and we’re still together. :thumb:
I would still offer you an AA. There are some on this forum that hide thier AA ( shhh Ken E) when I come around.

We may not agree on masks, but i would give you any spare parts I have if you needed it. Cheers.
Well said, ASD, although it was not so much autocorrection as the fact your typo was allowed through because it was still a real word. What really gives me the sh*ts about autocorrect is say when I want to say the abbreviated version of AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, and it won't let me, unless I place dots, or a space, after each letter, as in a s a p, then it allows it, but it looks silly - same with the dots as in a.s.a.p., as by the time you've done all that, you may as well have typed it in full. :banghead:

I have S10 something phone gizmo.
When I start typing there is a line above the keyboard that has a pictogram of a sprocket. That is the settings menu button. In the first few items after selecting this are options for spellchecker and predictive typing.
Once I am actually typing this bar has choices for words due to the predictive option. Left character is a back arrow, takes you back to the options bar containing the settings sprocket and other features.
Hey folks I want to apologize to Angus99. In the below thread I was responding to Angus99. When I typed the response mentioning Angus99 my phone did an auto correct and changed it to anus.

My deepest apology for this Angus99.

I was called out by an Amin and rightfully so. It wasn't my fault, but I will take ownership. I would not purposely call anyone this.

I got a new phone about 2 months ago a S10e. I can not figure out how to turn auto correct off! Any help?


Re-autocorrect... Happens to all of us. Just for entertainment: I Was a tax preparer, IRS used to ask for your profession on individual tax forms. Corrected Psychotherapist to psycho the rapist. Got a call from the client on that one asking for a redo. We still laugh about it!
...*public* administration auto-corrected to - and of course spell check passed right over it - pubic administration.

Happens to the best of us.

Someone posted this joke in the Humor files already, but it deserves retelling:

A priest, a rabbit and a minister walk into a bar.
Bartender says to the rabbit, "What'll ya have?"
Rabbit says, "I don't know, I'm only here because of autocorrect.
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I found something even worse than autocorrect. Our Apple TV will do a voice search for programs and display the results on screen. One night, pre-Covid, we were sitting with friends who were all speaking at once and I told Apple TV to find us a show (C.B. Strike, I think it was). Somehow, it synthesized all of the babbling in the room and displayed something utterly unprintable involving a crude term for a portion of female anatomy. Everybody was busy gabbing and I was the only one to see this horrifically offensive sentence on our large-screen TV. Fumbling to grab the other remote, I managed to get them to look my way while I found the off button. Mercifully, they never saw it but from then on I have typed in my search requests when others were in the room.
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I have a friend and very good customer who is an orthodox Jew. In the middle of a text exchange my phone somehow auto corrected his name to "Leibowitz" which is not his name at all. I was horrified.

Luckily, he is an understanding guy and we have known each other well for quite a while. I explained and apologized profusely, he said it didn't bother him. Still bothers me though.
Well said, ASD, although it was not so much autocorrection as the fact your typo was allowed through because it was still a real word. What really gives me the sh*ts about autocorrect is say when I want to say the abbreviated version of AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, and it won't let me, unless I place dots, or a space, after each letter, as in a s a p, then it allows it, but it looks silly - same with the dots as in a.s.a.p., as by the time you've done all that, you may as well have typed it in full. :banghead:

Peter, I am an Apple guy but usually the phone can learn...or at iPhones do. Also on the iPhone, if you put it in all CAPS the algorithm figures you mean business and usually lets anything go through if it is in all caps. I noticed none of your examples were in caps. Anyway....just thinking out loud.

Good job ASD.
Well done.

Its times like these a "like" button comes in handy
AlaskaProf and I did our grad work ... pubic administration.
Happens to the best of us.

IIRC, that was a pretty common sophomoric joke. Perhaps the error is more reflective of Dr. Freud than of autocorrect.

...and there's the time I wished someone a "Feliz ano nuevo." :facepalm:
Ha! The committee never caught it, or if they did, no one ever said anything. Or maybe they never actually read our stuff, just weighed it on a scale. Normally my wife is my proofreader on things like that but we hadn't met yet, so I can't blame it on her.
iPhone - Autocorrect

Here is the simple way to turn off Auto-Correct.

To turn off autocorrect:
Open Settings on your iPhone.
Tap General.
Tap Keyboard.
Toggle the option for “Auto-Correction” so that it's off.
Here is the simple way to turn off Auto-Correct.

To turn off autocorrect:
Open Settings on your iPhone.
Tap General.
Tap Keyboard.
Toggle the option for “Auto-Correction” so that it's off.
Thank you. I will see if it works.
I, too, will try that and see if it twerks.

Edit: (ruh roh)
I did notice the Angus vs Anus post and couldn't tell if it was intentional since it was an "animated" discussion. Glad to know it wasn't and the the apology is commendable.
There are so many people I've offended with autocorrect I can't even keep track of it. Some are funny after the fact and I've taken screen shots and keep them to laugh about, mostly with that person. Others bother me that it offended me more than them, but most people are pretty forgiving, as I suspect we have all done it to eachother enough to know that text is a terrible way of communicating whenever you're busy, stressed, heated, or just when you start to trust technology.

Glad this all worked out!

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