AquaMap and USACE survey data for AICW travel?

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Aug 21, 2013
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58' Sedan Bridge
I read recently in a different forum that AquaMap can incorporate USACE surveys (at extra cost?), even with weekly updates...

We found web-based copies of USACE survey pics useful for traversing Lockwoods Folly and Shallotte Inlets a couple years ago, but I don't remember if we were using those for other areas...

Anybody here with AquaMap/USACE/AICM experience? Seriously worth it? OK, but no big deal? Too much trouble? Or...?

Our normal complement of nav stuff for that trip was fixed NN3D, TimzeZero on a laptop, and then when useful either MX Mariner or Plan2Nav on a tablet.

Since then Plan2Nav is replacing itself with Embark (looks OK, not much experience with the trial version yet) and we've been looking at Transas iSailor (can't say their interface is endearing).

MX Mariner incorporates AC. Our TimeZero is so old (but with updated charts) that it can't update AC makers from Garmin. Plan2Nav had AC markers but stopped, and Embark won't. iSailor doesn't.

Wondering if AquaMap with USACE data, plus AC markers, plus Waterway Guide overlays would be worth fooling with...

Best features? Worst features?

I read recently in a different forum that AquaMap can incorporate USACE surveys (at extra cost?), even with weekly updates...

Wondering if AquaMap with USACE data, plus AC markers, plus Waterway Guide overlays would be worth fooling with...

Best features? Worst features?


Without a doubt, absolutely worth the effort and minimal cost. We recently (July) used the overlays to transit some notorious trouble spots (specifically Jeremy Creek/McClellanville) and they were spot on. Further south we used them in SC & GA, again, spot on. Another valuable tool for transiting the ICW. As a veteran of 20-some transits, I can say that this is probably one of the most useful tools to become available for traveling the ICW. Way better than Garmin Blue Chart.

On a side note, I did have some difficulty getting the app to connect to my local wifi- I use CE's data server. I had a couple exchanges with AquaMap tech support, and ultimately ironed out the problem. Between tweaking my router and updates to the app, the problem has resolved, and I now get the nav data AquaMap uses into the display. (Heading, AIS, depth, GPS, etc).
I have Aquamap Master, the version with the ACOE overlays. It runs on IOS platform. Has a WiFi connection to my Vesper AIS. The app also has a good anchor alarm function. The Facebook group “ICW Cruising Guide by Bob423” has a gazillion discussion on this. Just use the search function when you get there (btw it is a closed group, but easy to join)

There is no one Nav app that does everything, but Aquamap Master is my default. It’s cheap enough.

But really, just try it out for two weeks for free and see how you like it.
I have Aqua Map Master with the USACE overlays and they are excellent.

I have Aqua Map Master with the USACE overlays and they are excellent.

I use the Aqua Map Master on my iPhone -outstanding data for minimal price -for some reason, I an't get the master version for my (older) Samsung Android tablet. Others have said they can get it on Android. After I turned it on, it showed me exactly why I had run aground:banghead
Thanks, all, sounds like I'll want to give it a try...

Thanks again to all who recommended. I've installed AquaMap, and now working through issues with their support people to get it to run, allow USACE survey data on two devices, etc. App crashes a lot, for now apparent reason... but at least their support guys answer up when questioned.

The USACE overlays are nifty, and in fact here where we sit just now is inside a survey area. OTOH, the overlay disappeared this morning, so I had to start yet another discussion with the GEC people...

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