Auld lang syne

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Scraping Paint
Oct 20, 2007
Vessel Make
CHB 48 Zodiac YL 4.2
The new year somehow seems a little thin without some old friends around.

Has anyone seen or heard from Marin? I see he hasn't even been lurking lately.


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The last year or two he openly posted about leaving the forum, perhaps he has. 2bucks, Belize Bill and several others have gone long lost over the years too but their accounts are open and waiting for them to return if and when they're ready for them.
Marin's account open?? I heard otherwise... from a birdie!


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Marin's account open?? I heard otherwise... from a birdie!

Hmmmmm, maybe someone who has his email should ask him to do a test post.

He always seemed to be a regular lurker even though he was open about having reached his personal limit on contributions. Something doesn't fit ...
And if they don't have his email and are interested they could always contact him at the GB owners forum too. It's not like he's the toughest guy on the internet to locate.
Marin had as many posts as the sum of all of the people who have posted in this thread.

The man was a machine.

I miss him.

But then again, I too like a dialectic discussion.
Some of his insulting, put downs, and off-color diatribes speared directly at intent of assaulting other persons’ thoughtful ways of approaching or contemplating or conjecturing on items being discussed therein produced his own desired dietetic results upon the others... not by any means dialectic in concept or procedure. Just sayen!

Anyone lurking?
Some of his insulting, put downs, and off-color diatribes ...

were well earned by the recipients.

Taking a conservative approach to the issue, calling a fool a fool should be viewed as helping a parasite off welfare. It does no one any good to have their bad habits "celebrated" or acknowledged as an alternative.

Another way of looking at it might be that if you feed seagulls, your boat will soon be covered in crap.
FWIW, I spent about four years lurking on this forum before deciding to participate.

The old forum as I remember it was populated by a pretty wide-ranging group, probably far less PC & earnest than now. It was robust forum, and Marin was a product and driver of that style.

For mine I find the question and answer style less appealing or challenging.
were well earned by the recipients.

Taking a conservative approach to the issue, calling a fool a fool should be viewed as helping a parasite off welfare. It does no one any good to have their bad habits "celebrated" or acknowledged as an alternative.

Another way of looking at it might be that if you feed seagulls, your boat will soon be covered in crap.

and frankly, for some, like myself, I like the directness, that some may find offensive or rude, as many times, I do not understand that message that is being sent, as it goes over my head:facepalm:

And if someone is going on and on in a way i don't find useful, I simply stop reading it.

The old forum as I remember it was populated by a pretty wide-ranging group, probably far less PC & earnest than now. It was robust forum, and Marin was a product and driver of that style.

I find the PC part the most disturbing. It takes every post down to the most diluted level. It is almost as if reality must take a second (or third) place behind "being nice" or not pointing out how absurd a post or the ideas of the poster may be.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion but that doesn't mean they should be immune to having to defend that opinion. Take a look at a site like gCaptain and see how a pseudo sailor or other pretender is handled. And the membership (and readership) there is expanding like crazy because reality trumps "nice" in the real world.

I think we have lost some good people and put a damper on a few others, and it is our loss.
Taking a conservative approach to the issue, calling a fool a fool should be viewed as helping a parasite off welfare. It does no one any good to have their bad habits "celebrated" or acknowledged as an alternative.

Another way of looking at it might be that if you feed seagulls, your boat will soon be covered in crap.

Hummmm – Analogies (no matter how down-beat or even cute they may sound) for comparison of any humans’ thought that is backed by our formable intellect and ever evolving thought processes as well as decades experiences... as compared to birds... points to a lack of understanding that nearly every human proposed concept in and of its own volition deserves respect enough to at very least be civilly and gracefully listened to. Then, if the conjecture by one human is not in line with the belief or thought pattern of another human... the “other” human has all the right in the world to either respectfully push back against the conjecture or, if desired, to therein close their delve toward that interaction, i.e. to simply, quietly walk away. However, for any human to continue proceeding with diatribes meant to directly insult another human due to their thoughts (be they correct or incorrect thoughts) is juvenile – to say the least!

Debates on any subject are supposed to be held in a civil, orderly, and thought provoking manner. That is the best way for ideas and concepts to be intelligently developed. To resort to hurtful innuendos accompanied by abstract insults to any one or group of humans (such as analogy comparing human thoughts to seagulls’ bird crap) is simply not the way grown people are best suited to intelligently interact.

In Real Life: Next step after blatant insults too often comes to hazardous physical conflicts. Next step after thoughtful, civil communications often comes to increased opportunities for beneficial results due to cooperatively melded minds.

Is 21st Century’s “thousand mile distance” electronic communications, where everyone is capable of virtual anonymity, resulting in resending adults back to juvenile insulting actions as best way to display disagreement with another adult’s thoughts? God I hope not! Because if that becomes the pervasive case... then comparing the human intellect of those who do so (such as comparing human thoughts to bird shat) might not really be that far off the mark.

I ask everyone to please not let our newfound capabilities of un tethered electronic communications push us backwards to utilizing insulting words as a means for trying to end up on top of (a winner in) discussions. Would be a sorry circumstance as a society and/or a civilization in whole if that became the norm. Rather we all should embrace this miraculous 21st Century talk fest and nurture it to the fullest extent of thought provoking, cooperative, and respectful mental interactions.
Hummmm – Analogies (no matter how down-beat or even cute they may sound) for comparison of any humans’ thought that is backed by our formable intellect and ever evolving thought processes as well as decades experiences... as compared to birds... points to a lack of understanding


There was no comparison of humans to birds, it was another way of saying that if you take a certain action, you should expect certain results.

Feed seagulls, expect to get crapped on.

Don't swat at mosquitoes and you will soon be surrounded by mosquitoes.

Acknowledge bad advice or false information as valid, you will encourage more false information and bad advice.

Garbage in, garbage out. Stop the influx of garbage and you will make more room for rational discussions.

Those who want to be kind to the "differently enabled" should join a support group.
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For me...this place as well as many other forums boils down to 2 groups...those that feel forums are like dock talk - 95% socialization and 5% information...for me and others...we get our dock talk on the dock and come here for factual info or to contribute info....obviously there are subjects that are only opinion but at least the knowledgeable usually have something to back up their opinions.

For those that like kid gloves...don't jump in the pool if you can't handle the sharks (like that better than the seagulls and their poop?).

Nothing worse for me than reading 3 pages of thread to mostly see wild a**ed opinions ( with no facts or links to at least suggest the poster knows what they are talking about)...or pictures of non-related issues...or even before anyone has really addressed to original poster...a thread turning to topics not even related to boating.

I get enough PMs to let me know when I should be a tad bit more PC and I get plenty of supportive posts that say keep letting the idiot have it with both barrels.

I'm not in it for either...just like to get and pass info that I need to keep the boat moving or how to get it some place more easily/more fun along the way. If I can be pleasant about it and others to me because we are staying on topic and reasonably correct info is passed along the much the better...

But I have to agree with the few that have posted many times before....if you dare a wild a**ed guess and feel slammed by responses....especially by a few well though out and supported posts by people with real experience in the area...then please go gentle into the night.

If you continue to support your incorrect, unsubstantiated post and challenge those in the know...expect to have the same escalation in return.

It doesn't have to be personal or ugly and most never take it there...but keep pounding away or backtracking from your original post...expect your retreat to be full of suprises....:D
I propose we all wear mood rings and submit the current color status so replies can be tempered accordingly.
Rick-what am I ding wrong? I don't feed the seagulls but still have to wash seagull poop off my decks!

I guess there is truth to the old saying "Sh$t Happens!"
I propose we all wear mood rings and submit the current color status so replies can be tempered accordingly.


I am not all that fond of the cute little smiley things but that post rated a couple!

That might be a good way to avoid disturbing the exquisitely sensitive and precariously balanced among us. :D
I don't feed the seagulls but still have to wash seagull poop off my decks!

Around here we get iguana crap as well. But, as long as there are no tourists around they are easy to get rid of. ;)
Norther Spy you crack me up. I'll bring that mood ring idea up with Janet. :)

As to the rest, there's two hyperlinks at the bottom of every page. One is terms of service, the other is community rules. Everybody with an account here(regardless of when that account was created) checked a box agreeing to abide by them. Nobody is exempt including site team members.

If you take the time to read them you will find we don't run this place with the iron fist some would have you think. Quite the contrary because if we did I wouldn't be here myself. It really all boils down to the be nice rule. If you have to put others down to make your point it is probably not in keeping with the intent of the be nice rule.

Now as this thread has nothing to do with the general subject matter of this forum I am going to move it to the Off Topic section of the forum. Because to be honest with everybody, relocating threads to their proper sub forum accounts for well over 95% of my job at this forum. And for the record it will stay open and unedited so long as it does not violate the community rules.
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Thanks! Craig!!
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