I have three battery banks - thrusters 2x8D, house 2x 8D, starter 1x 8D.
Fully charged voltage for the house and starter banks is ~13.4v
Fully charged for the thrusters is ~12.7v and drops to ~11.9v pretty quickly when unplugged, and I had one experience with weakened thruster performance already.
Batteries are all 4 years old. Is it safe to assume that this bank has served it's useful life just replace them?
I would doubt it but also wouldn't assume anything w/o confirming.
I will assume FLA as you didn't mention AGM?
If FLA I would charge and check all cells w/ hydrometer to verify.
Start at 13.4 V you are reading charger on float or surface charge if charger recently disconnected.
Thrusters at 12.7 V charged sounds about right unless also charger just removed. Is the 11.9V under load or just after charger removed?
If FLA I would check cells and then consider running an equalization charge and recheck to see if anything improved.
I had a similar set up w/3 8Ds for house/ start & thrusters. Except I recently moved my start from combo w/ house to the thruster bank so my house was only deep cycle house loads. Thrusters only used when engine alt operating & supplementing battys.
FLA 8Ds not great for deep cycle so you would be better off considering other options for house... AGM or FLA GCs
I went with AGM as they are better at both start/thruster and deep cycle. My AGMs are 8 seasons old and still in good shape when I check V in spring after winter storage disconnected but w /o any ability to charge.
I'm done with 8Ds as they are too much bother / effort to move and decided to replace each 8D with a pair of AGM GP31... very close to equal or better CCA and AHs and easier to handle. Trojan and East Penn confirmed to me that with AGM GP31 are equivalent to GCs for both CCA and AHs.
I would also consider combining start & thruster banks so you only have 2 banks and you could enlarge whichever you feel is the weakest vs use.
I have a gennie with its own start batty that is charged from its alternator and is my emergency back- up. Guessing you also have one although not mentioned