Beware of hidden wiring

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Jun 25, 2008
This past spring I decided to replace one f my main battery cables that ran to the switch. I just didn't like the way the connection near the battery looked.
When I started to pull up floorboard in the bilge so I could chase the new cable thru I found a bulge in the cable just under the floor.
There was enough good cable coiled up under there that all I had to do was cut it and crimp on a new connector. That problem solved.
Today as I was cleaning up from travelling (by car) back to Florida I had the old section of cable I was stripping the insulation off of to take to the metal recycler.
This is what I found under the bulge. It broke easily with hardly any force.
All I can say is "yuck"!

No idea how it got like that, my bilge is dry and it was not in a section I would suspect it to get wet in, and nothing else around it looked like it had gotten wet.


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Looks like the wire got kinked during the original installation. Kinking a Cooper wire can fracture some of the strands. It only takes one strands to pierce the casing and moisture will find its way in over time.
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