Blog Rant

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Sep 1, 2016
Vessel Make
430 Mainship
Have a minor problem with some of the great blogs folks create. They have great pictures and good travel info, but very little about the boat and the crew.

If you're a blogger, consider including a good page on you and your boat. Your background, boating, other trips, crew, and perhaps some of the things you like to do and don't like. Adds a lot of perspective to the blog.

Also, a map of the traveled areas is nice.

(rant off)
Actually I'm amazed people share as much private information as they do online.

Get targeted by some whacko and you've helped them inflict maximum damage with hardly any stalking effort required.
I'm' not sure I'd share much info about who I am and/or where I live. Too easy for some jerk to pay a visit to my home while I'm off somewhere on the boat.

Pics of the boat and maps, sure thing, but no personal info.
Our son and his fiancé posted on Facebook a lot about their upcoming wedding on an island in SC. Three days before the wedding, while they were away as advertised, they were broken into. Items taken included several guns and our now-daughter-in-law's car. I've become a less-is-more kind of guy when it comes to posting personally identifiable info on forums, blogs, etc.

Signed angus99
(always home and armed to the teeth)

In my humble opinion, Facebook is half a word. Given that this is a GP site, ask an old salt what the whole word is. Understand friends and family. Use email or set up a protected website and invite users selectively. Recognizing that I am a dinosaur, I'm an outline.

Never have, never will do FB.
That would be outlier.
Have a minor problem with some of the great blogs folks create. They have great pictures and good travel info, but very little about the boat and the crew.

If you're a blogger, consider including a good page on you and your boat. Your background, boating, other trips, crew, and perhaps some of the things you like to do and don't like. Adds a lot of perspective to the blog.

Also, a map of the traveled areas is nice.

(rant off)

Good points.

I'd love to embed a map that stays undated like the InReach one. If anyone can tell me how to do it easily in Wordpress, I will.

Richard, now in Mexico for the duration
Have a minor problem with some of the great blogs folks create. They have great pictures and good travel info, but very little about the boat and the crew.

If you're a blogger, consider including a good page on you and your boat. Your background, boating, other trips, crew, and perhaps some of the things you like to do and don't like. Adds a lot of perspective to the blog.

Also, a map of the traveled areas is nice.

(rant off)

Agree 100%.

I watch number of videos on youtube and read a number blogs of cruisers. The photos are nice as well as the videos and they do a great deal of work in putting together the information on the trips.

However I as well would like to see more detailed information about their routes. Their vessel’s draft, depths, currents, tides, the bad spots they encountered along the way and so forth.

I think it would be really help if they gave a little more information on some of those things.


Good points.

I'd love to embed a map that stays undated like the InReach one. If anyone can tell me how to do it easily in Wordpress, I will.

Richard, now in Mexico for the duration


Love your map and love to follow your voyages. Great life and very interesting.

Now, if one really want privacy, they'd not have a blog. MOST of them you can figure out where they are. And personal info has no bearing on safety... one is not going to get out there home address, SS numbers and damaging info.

But if one gives a name and a route, people know where you are and where you're going. But telling us that you're a captain, beginner, did this or that cruise or what boat you have is not a high risk bit of info.

I'm probably the most paranoid person on this list. I have nothing in my name, no identity, no friends, no bank account, no income, no boat, no nothing... and you can't search records about me and find anything. But I have no issue telling you what boat I have, my background and some of the trips I do.

Just trying to make blogs a bit more interesting.
I agree whole heartedly with the OP. I've found a couple interesting Bayliner 38xx blogs and Ranger 33 blogs and they have nothing of value as far as mods or repairs or upgrades done to the boats. The trips are nice, but I like to know whats going on behind the scenes as well as any tips and tricks on making the trip nicer.

You have a picture of the transom with 12 people in the cockpit and mention that you were able to seat them all for dinner...I'd love to know how you managed that and ANY interior pictures on how you changed the interior...

...or how you managed to change the head gasket on an engine that has near zero documentation....

...or how you managed to install a water maker in a R33 where I couldn't figure it out...

Interior pics would be nice on any blogs at a minimum :thumb:

My biggest complaint would be the "Blog" site layout as a base for a website. They suck in my personal opinion!

Well I am a blogger and if I knew how to load a map of our travels I would or you could go to my shared SPOT page if you want that information. I posted that at the beginning of this years blog. I also shared it here on TF. So I feel I have shared a lot.
Well I am a blogger and if I knew how to load a map of our travels I would or you could go to my shared SPOT page if you want that information. I posted that at the beginning of this years blog. I also shared it here on TF. So I feel I have shared a lot.

I read your blog Alaskan and you do give some great info which I find help. Thank you!:thumb:. I just wish more would do the same.

Cheers Mate.

Have a minor problem with some of the great blogs folks create. They have great pictures and good travel info, but very little about the boat and the crew.

If you're a blogger, consider including a good page on you and your boat. Your background, boating, other trips, crew, and perhaps some of the things you like to do and don't like. Adds a lot of perspective to the blog.

Also, a map of the traveled areas is nice.

(rant off)

You should try YouTube blogs of mostly sailors cruising the Bahamas. You'll learn a lot about them.
Caroline's blog of this trip seems pretty well received, but she is always open to suggestions. Typically if a reader wants more personal or detailed information they email us directly. That has worked well.

She does have a page about each of us, the boat, and a link to our last boat voyage blog. Not being tech savy, I rely on Delorme for my map with a link in the blog.
During our Great Loop trip, I blogged daily for 305 days. I considered it a record of our adventure focusing on where we chose to stop, what we discovered to see and do, and what we learned about the history of our great country as it evolved along the river system and east coast. I believe it has turned out to be useful for others planning their trips as well.

This forum has turned out to be great resource for purchasing, owning, operating and maintaining the boats we all treasure and love. For me it provides a single access to a far deeper knowledge base and variety of opinions than I could get any other way.

There is a link to my Great Loop Blog below.
Wifey B:

Do this, do that...add this to your's would be better if...don't like blogs in this format...:angry:

They're freaking free, people. Just enjoy. They're not meant to be perfect. People have gone to effort to share. One has more of this and another more of that. If you don't like, don't read. I'm sure the blogger will give you a full refund of your purchase price. :rofl:

We thought about publishing our trip logs. Just routes and where we went and what we did there, without photos, without repairs and maintenance, but haven't and probably won't because then people will just complain about what they don't have. :rolleyes:

If someone gives you a present at a holiday, do you then complain to them if it's not exactly what you wanted? :confused:
Same goes for so much these days, people feel so entitled, no sense of gratitude.
Same goes for so much these days, people feel so entitled, no sense of gratitude.

Wifey B: Well, I was smiling as I wrote it, but in humor there is truth. Just seems a bit presumptuous to be critical of free services and blogs that many spend so much time and effort on, just to share. Now, if you want to criticize blogspot or something, that's fine. They're doing it for profit, even if they are free. Even the Alphabet is for profit. :rofl:

P. S. I like profit. It pays. ;)
As the OP, I shouldn't have created this thread as a complaint, but as a request or suggestion. I'm not here to piss people off.

I come from a graphics background and my daughter is still in it at a higher level. I can appreciate what can be done with a just a little effort and info in making a blog, website or ad a tad better and most beneficial.

People make blogs and for others to read, and as a diary of what they've done.

I hope my comments have come across to help make them more informative and fun to read. I should have said "suggestion or idea" instead of "problem or rant".....

But in all fairness, bloggers invite people to their site and they invite comments. Most want folks to visit and comment or they wouldn't advertise them. So my attempt to comment in general gets a bit of criticism, I can live with that.

And, I'd still argue for improvements. Need more about your boat, pictures, why you bought it, what you like or dislike about it, maintenance, etc. And about yourself, how you got into boating, what activities you like/dislike.

Who knows, you may find someone that has been their before and can get some good info from them or the opposite. That's often how friendships are created.

Now, think I'll start a blog......
And, I'd still argue for improvements. Need more about your boat, pictures, why you bought it, what you like or dislike about it, maintenance, etc. And about yourself, how you got into boating, what activities you like/dislike.


Every blog has a theme and purpose. They aren't all the same, not even cruising blogs are all the same. Every reader would like to see different things. Might I suggest just a general thread of "What I like about cruising blogs and what I'd like to see more of." I do think calling your initial post a rant set a tone you didn't intend to or now thinking back perhaps realize wasn't best.

The bloggers have to decide how much of what to include and how much time to spend on it. Every blogger I've ever known has found it taking more time than they thought it would. Part of the cause is that they keep placing more requirements on it themselves.

We all read for different reasons. We read to see where they've been, what they've done, to get ideas for places to go and to make notes of things we really want to see when there.

Just on your simple list above, and my personal reading preferences:

your boat, pictures, why you bought it, what you like or dislike about it, maintenance-I like just to know what their boat was perhaps, but don't read blogs to concentrate on specific boats. The boat was just the vehicle that allowed all the rest. I read for places and things and attractions and pleasure. If I was writing, I'd minimize boat information as I wouldn't want people to think they needed the same boat I have to enjoy cruising in the area. I have no interest in reading about their maintenance. To say they had a problem causing a delay is fine, but to read the details and how they fixed it isn't what I'm looking for. I see many of the things in this topic as great for separate sites or blogs, such as a how to of boat selection or boat maintenance, but not for a cruising blog itself.

About yourself, how you got into boating, what activities you like/dislike-Most of that comes out in the blog. You quickly find out what the persons enjoyed doing. If someone wants to give more of their background, that's fine, but I don't see it as a critical requirement. Each person has to decide what they are comfortable sharing.

My point is that we all read for different reasons so there isn't a one size, fit's all rule for blogging. Now, if there are extras that don't interest me, I just read through them quickly. A lot depends on where, we the reader, are in the process. A newcomer may be looking for a guide on the selection of a boat while established boaters know all they need to know on that subject.

I know if we published a blog, it would bore half the audience to death. It would be a cruising log mostly and have we went from place A to place B which was xxx nm. Conditions were xyz. We docked at xxx marina which was very nice/horrible. Clearing in was xxx. From there we went to see sight a, which was x. Then sight b, which was xx. Then sight c, which was xxx. We ate dinner at xyz restaurant.

How should a blog differ from a book? A book would include more. It would develop the characters or persons more. It has many more pages to do all that. Also, is it to be a blog, or a website? Blogs are limited in structure.

I notice many bloggers start out very committed and along the way get less and less frequent and then ultimately it ends. I think that is a testament to the amount of work involved and I'm afraid in asking for more, if they try to meet those requests, we'll end up with less.

I'll start that other thread now, Seavee. I'd love to also hear in it from some bloggers. You brought up an interesting topic. Just seemed a bit demanding and hoping the thread I just started will help reach what you were after.

My family reads my blog and contains a lot of pictures. Some of the blog and a few pics are posted here on TF.

Could my blog improve, yes it could if I would take the time to relearn all the options, many I do not understand how to do. i.e. Putting the day's route into the blog. Have no idea how to do it.

So if you have suggestions to improve and I like the change, please provide instructions on how to make it happen.

Cruising full time is busy work and frankly, a blog is a big pain in the a$$ to keep updated.
I notice many bloggers start out very committed and along the way get less and less frequent and then ultimately it ends. I think that is a testament to the amount of work involved and I'm afraid in asking for more, if they try to meet those requests, we'll end up with less.

Exactly. My blog last year was more detailed than this year. I am thinking of not doing a blog next year as it is a big commitment and takes time away from my scotch and evening cigar!:smitten:
Exactly. My blog last year was more detailed than this year. I am thinking of not doing a blog next year as it is a big commitment and takes time away from my scotch and evening cigar!:smitten:

Wifey B: Well, that decides it then. You should blog more. :rofl: Scotch and Cigars are unhealthy. :D
Wifey B: Well, that decides it then. You should blog more. :rofl: Scotch and Cigars are unhealthy. :D

A detailed blog takes a lot of time and effort. Of course right now, I am sitting in Ketchikan waiting on parts and weather.........:eek:
A detailed blog takes a lot of time and effort. Of course right now, I am sitting in Ketchikan waiting on parts and weather.........:eek:

I like your blog. It is enjoyable. I also enjoy the blogging that Dorsey does (Bruce B).

To do a blog even minimally well takes some time and thought. I'm not nearly disciplined enough to keep up with it.

Thank you to those that do. I find them entertaining and informative.
Frankly, we started our web site because all of our families and many of our friends are overseas. It was a some way to share what we are up to.

We gets lots of suggestions and do incorporate them so long as they make sense and don't take up too much time - time we should be using to enjoy ourselves rather that worrying about perfection.
A detailed blog takes a lot of time and effort. Of course right now, I am sitting in Ketchikan waiting on parts and weather.........:eek:

Wifey B: Too bad. Here it's 90 degrees, nice 12 mph breeze off the ocean. Seas are 1'. We're mixing in a little boating with a cookout and time in the pool. :)
Actually maps are pretty easy to create in Google Earth. You can draw your route on the map using their Ruler/Path function, then move the Ruler box onto the map and it shows the distance of the route.

I use Print Screen to capture it, then Paint to store only the map part to my laptop, then upload it to your third party image hosting site. Here's what the finished product looks like.

The next day's map would start where this one ends and saved as a separate file.

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