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Cape Dory 28

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Jan 13, 2012
Hello group, I am the proud owner of an Albin 25 for the past 18 years but looking for something a bit larger. In search of a Cape Dory 28. Any leads would be greatly appreciated.
I don't know of any available and it is a great boat, but I used to own a Cape Dory gasser and can give you my thoughts about engine choices:

The gasser was a 270 hp Chrysler 3xx. It is well suited for this boat and lets it cruise nicely in the low teens and tops out in the upper teens. It is a bit quieter than any of the diesels, but of course uses 25-30% more fuel. These numbers are for the hardtop version, ie no fly bridge.

The low power diesel was a Westerbeke 100 hp engine. That engine would only cruise the boat in the single digits for the hardtop.

The high power diesel was a 200 hp Volvo TAMD40 or 41. Due to the extra weight of the fly bridge that engine would only allow a cruise speed in 12 kt range, maybe a knot or so more for the hardtop version.

Absolutely the best engine for that boat which commands quite a price premium was the repower with a Yanmar 4LH 220 hp 4 cylinder. It will cruise at a knot or so more than the 200 hp Volvo.

I would be happy to answer any more questions you might have for this boat.

Where are you located? I know of one for sale in Victoria, BC. Volvo diesel, hardtop.
Great boats. However I have heard of wet decks on these boats. Not saying stay away but do your homework and make sure that your Surveyer takes note to the moisture in the decks. Agreed that the 4lh is the perfect engine for this hull.
I had a 1987 CD28 Flybridge with a 200hp Volvo. I sold it last March. Dave's numbers are about right. I cruised in the 11-13kt range at 2700-2800rpm. They are great boats for cruising. Lots of storage and space for a 28' footer. I never had an issue w/ wet decks nor did I hear that was a big issue among the CD community. They are known for gelcoat crazing which mine had in some spots but it was cosmetic and didnt cause any moisture issues. You may want to post your inquiry on the Capedory.org website. Good luck!
I had a 1987 CD28 Flybridge with a 200hp Volvo. I sold it last March. Dave's numbers are about right. I cruised in the 11-13kt range at 2700-2800rpm. They are great boats for cruising. Lots of storage and space for a 28' footer. I never had an issue w/ wet decks nor did I hear that was a big issue among the CD community. They are known for gelcoat crazing which mine had in some spots but it was cosmetic and didnt cause any moisture issues. You may want to post your inquiry on the Capedory.org website. Good luck!
I in know way meant to put a CD 28 down as I would consider one myself. We did have one nearby that had saturated decks. Probably owner neglect. Just do your due diligence.
Easting, Sorry if I my reply came off defensive.. Just wanted to mention my exeirience. No worries... My old CD28 is down in your area now. She's in Galilee. Owner kept same name (Seahorse). Still wonder what I was thinking when I sold that boat..:banghead:
Thanks for all of the replies. I will definitely make sure I do my due diligence regarding the decks of any Cape Dory I may come across.
Moved thread from 'Welcome Mat' to 'Boats | For Sale & Wanted'

Your general location will be helpful. Australia, Greece, Washington State (US)? IF not location, then general radius you're willing to travel and relocate the boat would be helpful.
Lots of Cape Dory 28 stuff here in my albums:

4 years now...been a great boat. Good ones are a bit hard to find now as only 221 were ever made. Take claimed cruising speeds with a grain of salt. 200 hp Volvo is happiest at 2-2200 Rpm's and 7.5 knots..though she will top out at 15knots....I just don't like pushing her that hard and fuel consumption goes up dramatically...from 2gph at 2K to 6.5 at 3200...and 10-11 knots.. Boat is not happy at anywhere in-between...

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Nice boat, I was looking at these as well. There is one for sale in MI with 315 Yanmar, 62k firm, hard top, redone is suppose to be very nice. At the bottom end a 28 gas in NY estate sale due to death, original owner, but looks like it has needs listed at 27K. I offered low 20s but got no answer.

So, buying a Scout 30 in Long Beach. Missed the home coming queen, Windows that sold for 72k.That boat had almost 300 spent on her and was Hinckley perfect. So, getting the older sister. Damn, I missed the queen. Offered 70 last year and they turned it down. Shoulda woulda coulda....story.

Thanks for all the helpful info provided by those of you who know about the cape Dory 28. I am in the Norfolk Virginia area if anyone knows of one close buy say within 3 or 4 hours driving time. Thanks a lot
Nice boat, I was looking at these as well. There is one for sale in MI with 315 Yanmar, 62k firm, hard top, redone is suppose to be very nice. At the bottom end a 28 gas in NY estate sale due to death, original owner, but looks like it has needs listed at 27K. I offered low 20s but got no answer.

So, buying a Scout 30 in Long Beach. Missed the home coming queen, Windows that sold for 72k.That boat had almost 300 spent on her and was Hinckley perfect. So, getting the older sister. Damn, I missed the queen. Offered 70 last year and they turned it down. Shoulda woulda coulda....story.


Congrats on the Scout! We've had one for almost 20 years now & it's a great boat. Be sure to check out the Scout 30 Owner's Group on Facebook.
Unless you get extremely lucky you are not going to find “deals” on a Cape Dory 28 or any other down east boat right now. Especially in that size range. They are very desirable and unless in really poor condition bring all of the money. As mentioned before you might also look for an Ellis 28, AJ 28, BHM 28, Wilbur 26, Duffy 26, Fortier 26, Dyer 29, or the like. However none of these semi custom boats will come cheap.
If you use searchtempest.com to do craigslist searches you will find one occasionally.
Cruising Range 262 miles?

Cape Dory 28 Flybridge in Oxford MD on Monday asking $35,000. I am going to take a look at it on Monday

(here is the link; if you are in the area maybe we could get in a bidding war) https://www.yachtworld.com/boats/1987/cape-dory-flybridge-3204475/?refSource=browse%20listing

I am really looking for a boat that could, theoretically, do a great loop. Has anyone added fuel tankage to this boat or similar? If you kept your speed down to 7 kph burning 2 gph with a 75 gallon tank that only gets you 262 miles. Perhaps enough but not much flexibility according to what I have read you need to plan for a 250 mile span between fuel docks.
There was one for sale in Oxford MD, its listed on boat trader. I wanted to look at it early last summer, but I purchased another one first. It was a FB model, 200 Hp Volvo I think. If I remember correctly the broker said that the FB had some soft spots. Good luck with your search. Jeff
I am really looking for a boat that could, theoretically, do a great loop. Has anyone added fuel tankage to this boat or similar? If you kept your speed down to 7 kph burning 2 gph with a 75 gallon tank that only gets you 262 miles. Perhaps enough but not much flexibility according to what I have read you need to plan for a 250 mile span between fuel docks.

I'd have no concerns about looping in that boat with that tankage. Throw four Jerry cans aboard for the one segment everyone warns about.

Edit: I was thinking 75 gallons would be lots if you went slow. It should be. Your calcs above give nautical miles. The loop distances are statute. I'd be confident of going 300+ miles on that tankage at 7 mph.
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Sorry about that , didn't flip to the second page.
If you like the CD28 in Oxford, it will be worth while to have an engine survey including an oil analysis on the engine, tranny and an analysis on the coolant. Looking at the pics it looks like a Volvo TAMD41A with a MS4A transmission. I had the same. The one in Oxford looks like it still has the exhaust elbow with the flapper valve. That part went obsolete years ago. When I pulled mine off it was in very bad shape even though it looked okay from the outside. See if it has the newer oil cooler. The older ones do fail and a new one is a few thousand. Mine failed on the mooring luckily. Try get the service records and see what/when he serviced the heat exchanger and aftercooler. If its been a while, be careful. I had to put about $7,500 into my TAMD41 to get it where I could depend on it. Once I had the work done it was a great motor. Parts are pricey. Great boats though.
They are rather scare in my area, NW WA state. But there is one right across from me in my marina,, not for sale though. I too like the looks of them. Another similar boat is the Acadia from Atlas. There are a couple around here for sale.
Cape Dory 28 Flybridge in Oxford MD on Monday asking $35,000. I am going to take a look at it on Monday

(here is the link; if you are in the area maybe we could get in a bidding war) https://www.yachtworld.com/boats/1987/cape-dory-flybridge-3204475/?refSource=browse%20listing

I am really looking for a boat that could, theoretically, do a great loop. Has anyone added fuel tankage to this boat or similar? If you kept your speed down to 7 kph burning 2 gph with a 75 gallon tank that only gets you 262 miles. Perhaps enough but not much flexibility according to what I have read you need to plan for a 250 mile span between fuel docks.

That quoted Cruise speed is ludicrous. Mine TOPS at 15 knots, cruises comfortably at 7.5 knots and 2 gph. Factory tankage (for my '88 was (2) 60 gallon tanks for 120 total..
Sorry to bring up an old thread but does anyone know what gears were generally used when repowering with a Yanmar 4LH?
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