CarDude begins epic broke-boat return to US

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Oct 2, 2009
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Krogen Manatee 36 North Sea
You may recall that CarDude had his boat in Green Turtle Cay (Bahamas) when our most recent Cat 5 hurricane devastated the area. He found his boat crammed among many, but perhaps it was actually the other boats which prevented his Island Packett motor sailor from coming off the stands. After getting some encouraging news from an insurance company surveyor and a house owner on the Island, he got his wits together and whent over to see if the boat could actually be brought back on its own power.

Damage to the outboard hoist, missing solar panels, mast snapped in half, and substantial hull compression from one stand were obvious, but the interior was dry. Of course, whether the boat hull, rudder or driveline had been torqued or twisted....well, to use the words of Captain Ron, the only way to tell was “out there”. As we speak (Sunday 10/20/2019), he’s “out there”.

Coming from Green Turtle Cay, he made the turn west around Little Abaco Island heading for Great Sale Cay about 2:30PM or so. He’s got his broken mast and rigging strapped on deck, a few gallons of water, some food and enough fuel to make it back to the mainland, and so far, reporting no strange vibration or handling issues. He hopes to make it to Great Sale Cay today, West End tomorrow, and weather permitting, across the Gulf Stream on Tuesday.

Good luck, CarDude.


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Hope it goes well for him. Are you going to keep updating us?
Oh man, and he thought the worse! Best wish’s for a safe trip Cardude!
More than the average of luck to CarDude.
Is he single handling?
Is he single handling?

Yeah. I was hoping he’d do this in two separate visits so I could go along, but once Bill gets it in his mind that he’s gotta go, he goes. I just asked him if he could see Great Sale Cay.


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I don't remember ever subscribing to another thread so quickly. Best of luck CD, and thanks for posting HH!
Made it to Anchorage at Great Sale Cay.


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Larry, Where is he headed?
Larry, Where is he headed?

Hopes to make West End tomorrow and cross the Stream on Tuesday to Lake Worth, then to Mack Sails in Stuart for refit of broken sail mast & rigging.
I hadn't seen him post. Then we had that tropical depression move through. I wondered if he was onboard or not posting. Glad to see he is doing ok if uncomfy.
Larry - thanks for the updates!
Car Dude - once you are safe and sound, tell us what you saw in Green Turtle Cay and on your exit from the Bahamas...
Best of luck! What amazes me is that he was able to get it back in the water so quickly. I would have bet more than 6 months to get a crane or whatever was used to extricate him from the boat landfill surrounding him.

Appears the boat is sound but not sailable, the engine runs so that’s positive. I wish he had somebody with him to help in an emergency, the Dude has a pair. Hope he has an EPIRP .

Best of luck.
Thanks for the posts. I'm following along wishing the best.
Hopes to make West End tomorrow and cross the Stream on Tuesday to Lake Worth, then to Mack Sails in Stuart for refit of broken sail mast & rigging.

He should have great conditions tomorrow and Tuesday.
Good that the boat is holding up,shame about the rolly seas without sails up to keep her steady. Take care, may it continue to go well.
WX looks good Mon and Tues. Front coming through on Wed.

Good Luck!!!
Heard from the Dude at 11AM. Looks like he’s headed straight west (red line) before turning left to catch the very west tip of Grand Bahama Island and West End Marina (black dotted line to red blob).


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Hmmm, if that is his track he may be bypassing WE and coming straight over.
Hmmm, if that is his track he may be bypassing WE and coming straight over.

That is what it looks like to me- straight to Florida with no stop in WE. Looks like his current heading is towards Memory Rock Inlet. It is about 120 SM from Great Sale to Palm Beach inlet via Memory Rock, so maybe he will make it in about 15 hours.

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My first thought was, "Lordy, to cross in a damaged boat without a buddy boat?"

My second thought was, "The Dude is a pretty smart cookie, and he would not undertake this without absolute certainty that his hull and engine are sound."

I am glued to the updates. Hope the weather window holds. Thank you, Larry!

Mrs. Trombley
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Is he coming back into Lake Worth or Stuart? From Memory Rock in his boat it's likely easier to ride the stream and come in at Stuart. Even if it means coming south in the ICW.

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