Most times the basic block will be set up in a variety of ways , on the same basic engine.
If you look on the mfg site there will be usually 4 ratings , from 24/7 to 1 min to get up on the plane.
Usually if the engine is required to produce less than the tough 24/7 rating , the engine will be fine , no matter how silly the peak max pleasure boat rating is.
The problem is things like turboes cost bucks and may force the bottom RPM to be above trawler crawler requirements.
An engine peak rated at 400hp , but usually rated 225hp in cruiser trim , and required to produce 60hp at 1200 -1500 will not break anything.
How it will wear out is a different question , but even 2/3 life loss is still far beyond what most pleasure boaters will ever require.
"What me worry " is a good concept for a trawler crawler or Looper.