Christmas Boat parade...Clear Lake, TX

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Oct 1, 2007
Vessel Name
Floatsome & Jetsome
Vessel Make
Meridian 411
It is always a challenge shooting in the dark. *But we had about .25 miles visibility last night. *Anyway, I had leave the aperture wide open.....turn the ISO way up....and the slowest shutter speed possible. *Pardon the graininess of the pics due to high ISO. *My lens is decent but my camera could use a lil better ISO performance. *Anyway, here ya go.....


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That snowman is about 70ft tall!!! Thing was almost frightening!!!
Great pictures.
My wife and I watched it from the Boardwalk, but,naturally ,forgot the camera.
The snowman really needed a video to do it justice.
How many boats do you think were actually in the parade? 3 of my friends tried to leave SSH and turned back. When they did, they couldn't see the entrance to the marina at all! I guess I picked a good year to miss... I wouldn't have gone out in that for anything! I'm glad they had something of a parade though... Lots of people assumed and heard on the VHF that it was cancelled. Wonder what the awards ceremony was like? After being in it 17 straight years, this is the first time I've missed. Look out next year though!
Keith, I would guess about 50-60 boats made it down to the Portofino/Boardwalk area....
Jon wrote:

The snowman really needed a video to do it justice.
Boy, that is the truth. *It was hard enough to get the camera set up to take pics in that weather. *And then that snowman was fully lit up about 5% of the time. *SO it was quite a challenge to get *him lit up like that. *I have about 200 pics of him partially lit. *I almost grabbed a VHF and asked them to just light the damn thing up!!!!!

For those that dunno what we are talking about, the snowman lighting was synced up to it was all over the place and rarely fully lit.

The pictures are great- even better knowing the conditions you were shooting in. Thanks for sharing.
Very impressive! Boy, I wished I lived some place where I could use my boat at Christmas!
It's really pleasant on the boat here, Clear Lake Texas - as long as you don't mind the snowmobile suit ,tuque and mittens.When the north wind blows - it be COLLLLLD!
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