Cleaning under solar panels

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Jul 24, 2019
Have people made allowances for cleaning under roof mounted solar panels or is it not required?

I'd like to have fixed mounts for durability but never considered that I may need to have access for cleaning. Is this really required or am I over thinking things?

To my knowledge the my old panels were never removed. Fwiw mounting surfaces are painted steel and fiberglass.
I have a 2 inch gap under mine. Most of the surface under them is non-skid. I make a point to blast the deck under there as clean as I can with a hose whenever I wash the boat, but I've yet to remove them for scrubbing. After a full season, the deck under them just has a light dirt film, nothing major.

I figure after a couple years I'll need to un-bolt them from the mounts to clean under there more effectively.
2 inch gap under ours.
Roof painted in white semi gloss
Rain seems to work fine, for the last few years until we got a desal, we used to drink the water that came off of it
No one died
The panels that came with my boat are hinged on the short side, they raise to the vertical. Useful for cleaning them, and under them.

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