combine data site suggestions?

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Scraping Paint
Aug 17, 2023
Hi All.

I'm in research mode and asking if anyone has suggestions on sites that they have found useful which contain somewhat well maintained lists/datasets. Usually the use of these are more efficient for me.

As a here-and-now _example_, I am seeking to understand which ports (exist, and) would have a travel lift. Of course this is one service of many that I am or will be interested in. (Marine Engineering services are high up on that list as well.)

I happen to be in SE Asia, so I'm more interested in sites which are more global, and more commercial, in nature. At this point I am planning a second trip Sabah where I would ideally commission marine work, and making a list of facilities to visit.

Hopefully there are well known sites that both leisure and commercial operators find useful, and any suggestions would be appreciated.

Another type of data which I was looking for a while ago was just archived meteorological information for various places. e.g., sea-surface conditions in the middle of the Sulu Sea.

Lastly, while I do not intend to do commercial work, a lot of my needs more closely resemble the commercial duty than what seems to be the prevailing concept of 'trawling'. This has already caused some inefficiency (and lols) here on this forum. Similar to the above, I wonder what lists the community might suggest which cater more to commercial and non-commercial vessels alike.

Quick entry into my log here: Seems that the surfers have some pretty decent modelers in the community and do global prediction maps of amplitude and period:

htt p://www

The surfers seem to on friendly terms with the NOAA guys and seem to be able get feeds of data which is not necessarily 100% focused on 'global warming'. Or it is and they can convert it to something else.
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