Considering This Boat

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It ain’t pretty but it looks rugged.
Sparse information. Old pictures bearing the previous name. Be interesting to see what it looks like now. And yes, ER pictures.

A survey done for insurance purposes (paid for by the owner) and a survey done and paid for by someone interested in buying a boat are two completely different documents...even if done by the same surveyor.
Looks like someone bought a hull and finished it DIY. Nice job but not high end finishes.
What type, size, brand, and hours on engine???
It was a cat 3208 220hp w/5000 hrs. It’s a 6 kt boat so the engine hasn’t had to work hard.
Looks like a lot of boat for $49,000.
Sure does, it has to be worth a look. Insurance surveys vary,a pre purchase survey is better but the former can still be detailed and searching,a good start,and better than nothing.
It is a big 50ft single engined boat,no FB, so no extra windage.Thrusters might be handy if fitted, or added later.
I like it!

Big solar setup. Simple, single engine. Big living spaces. Seems like the owner has cruised it pretty extensively so maybe it’s capable. Does it have any stabilization?

Like BruceK said a bow thruster sure would be nice around the dock.
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Mr. R. Well, as mentioned, the pictures in the listing appear to be 3+ years old. Before driving 8 hours or flying 3, I would request extensive current pictures including ER.
The site freezes up so I am unable to review very many pictures...
All good comments. I was asking for current photos including ER. We will see.
Personally, I like it, with the very large living area.

Looks to be set up for long time on the hook. Composting toilet (some folk love and some folks hate) and a fairly new large (2900 watt) solar system.

I wonder what she currently looks like? I would also echo, the question of why no ER pics listed?

A member here Panhandler has the boat listed with info in our Boats for sale classified section .
Two additional thoughts:
-- Does the vessel have a dedicated house bank and inverter?
-- The hull is FRP, what types of construction are the top sides?
Appears to be a great value for the $ but a lot of questions left unanswered and I was only able to view 3 pictures before it froze up, multiple tries. Great suggestions on here re recent photos including engine room. Bow thruster to me would be mandatory for that length of boat but others may differ. Lots of living space, not fancy but generally I like it! Do your homework!
A boat that size and 5000 eng hours; might be a good idea when you do the survey, to arrange a separate but concurrent engine/mechanical survey, and preferably someone that knows CATs...

One more try.


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I've seen worse. Elect needs clean-up. Would be wary of heat exchangers and other cooling as well as exhaust items. Have a pro ck engines. IMO oil check is s must!
Mr. R. Looks like the ER was not a priority neat-wise. As Mr. A notes, wiring and exhaust systems should be carefully gone over. Regarding wiring, make sure none is of the Romex/household variety. Could get quite pricey to replace with proper stranded cabling. The good thing IMO is you have a ton of room to work and storage galore. Count on a month or so to get things in semi-order. No idea of potential cost. A surveyor should be able to give you a guestimate.
The wet exhaust system may need some additional thought, starting at the main's elbow. Possibly a bit problematic with both genset and engine maybe (?) joining together. Interesting layout.
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Work to do, but look at the height in the ER,noting the(?unfixed) ladder. It seems the spacious ER area is used for general storage,see kayak paddles, shelving, etc.
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