Cost of upgrading all navigation electronics

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Senior Member
May 4, 2020
I am preparing an offer for a Monk 36, after being on her today, and feeling satisfied that, in almost every way, she is what I have been looking for. However, the radar that was on the boat failed and was removed, and the other electronics are older. In any case, once I put in new radar, the older components likely wouldn't "talk" to it, so I am looking at upgrading everything, and am hoping some of you have ideas of costs. Not to reduce the offering price, just to feel like I have a decent idea of what I will need to spend.
I am talking about a radar dome, probably 24", an MFD for radar, plotter, and AIS, and a new VHF with AIS so it will synch with the new MFD and software. I would need this for the bridge, and the lower helm. I don't really have a preference between Garmin, Raytheon, Simrad, etc. If I decide to add autopilot, it would need to talk to everything else.
Based on only very casual checking, I am thinking this is at least $15-20,000, plus some installation costs. ( Not including the autopilot.)
Can anyone help give me a sense if I am wildly under what it will really cost, or maybe at least somewhere in the ballpark?
The full set of electronics which I bought over a year ago was $30k. Installation by an experienced tech will be at least $10k.
We changed out all the electronics on our current boat 3 years ago and it was around $10K and I did the installation myself. Our boat doesn’t have a flybridge.
I went through this 3 years ago. $20k Simrad lower helm and flybridge. I wish I'd spent more in the radar and less on repeater screens. Go for the largest screens you can afford. They're not just bigger, but they have more features and inputs.

Not that tough to install, but doing it neatly with everything buttoned up nicely takes experience.

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