Cost of upgrading all navigation electronics

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Senior Member
May 4, 2020
I am preparing an offer for a Monk 36, after being on her today, and feeling satisfied that, in almost every way, she is what I have been looking for. However, the radar that was on the boat failed and was removed, and the other electronics are older. In any case, once I put in new radar, the older components likely wouldn't "talk" to it, so I am looking at upgrading everything, and am hoping some of you have ideas of costs. Not to reduce the offering price, just to feel like I have a decent idea of what I will need to spend.
I am talking about a radar dome, probably 24", an MFD for radar, plotter, and AIS, and a new VHF with AIS so it will synch with the new MFD and software. I would need this for the bridge, and the lower helm. I don't really have a preference between Garmin, Raytheon, Simrad, etc. If I decide to add autopilot, it would need to talk to everything else.
Based on only very casual checking, I am thinking this is at least $15-20,000, plus some installation costs. ( Not including the autopilot.)
Can anyone help give me a sense if I am wildly under what it will really cost, or maybe at least somewhere in the ballpark?
The full set of electronics which I bought over a year ago was $30k. Installation by an experienced tech will be at least $10k.
We changed out all the electronics on our current boat 3 years ago and it was around $10K and I did the installation myself. Our boat doesn’t have a flybridge.
I went through this 3 years ago. $20k Simrad lower helm and flybridge. I wish I'd spent more in the radar and less on repeater screens. Go for the largest screens you can afford. They're not just bigger, but they have more features and inputs.

Not that tough to install, but doing it neatly with everything buttoned up nicely takes experience.

I would have to agree. I went though the same thing. About 10 to14K , but I did the work.

It all depends on what you want, and buy the biggest screen you can.
Installing the actual devices is pretty straight forward. You'll probably be cutting holes and doing a little glass work. Running the cables can be a huge task depending on access. Usually whatever internal holes that cables fit through are crammed full. I just spent a week installing a new autopilot and didn't have to go up on the top.
My boat came with Simrad equipment. The radar was the old G3 type. What was nice, I could use the same cable for the new Halo+ dome. I don't know if that helps, but I was happy not to pull the old cable out and install a new one!
Replaced electronics this past summer on Mainship 390. All 2024 Garmin: Radar (18"); chartplotter (12"); autopilot; VHF; stereo; AIS; GPS antenna; SXM antenna; misc NMEA, cabling, etc.. Cost plus installation was right at $15,000.
My boat came with Simrad equipment. The radar was the old G3 type. What was nice, I could use the same cable for the new Halo+ dome. I don't know if that helps, but I was happy not to pull the old cable out and install a new one!

On the plus side, the new digital cables are almost always significantly smaller diameter than the old ones with huge plug end fittings. If you can get the old one out, can definitely get the new one it ("if" being the operative word......).

On my boat, all Garmin, included 3 MFDs (16 inch displays) 2 VHF, AIS, RADAR (open array), depth, autopilot, $42k including installation 3 years ago
I did this about 2 years ago with RayMarine and it ran about $15K all in all, with 2 MFDs. Installation is simple these days, just pulling wire.
Just think, before we decided we needed all these electronics in order to go boating you'd have a compass, a chart, maybe a RDF and if the boat was big enough a radar . It seemed to work.
Wow, thanks to everyone for all those responses. Very helpful, and makes me feel that I have a decent handle on what the total cost could be. Some of the components I am comfortable installing myself, but I will definitely want some help, at least for the antennas and autopilot. I am leaning towards Garmin, but am going to check a couple of the other brands just to be sure.
Just think, before we decided we needed all these electronics in order to go boating you'd have a compass, a chart, maybe a RDF and if the boat was big enough a radar . It seemed to work.
That's why I don't necessarily look at electronics as critical, but they're still useful tools. A well selected set of electronics reduces the workload on the helmsman and/or navigator and in the case of things like radar helps allow the boat to be operated effectively in a wider range of places and conditions.
Just think, before we decided we needed all these electronics in order to go boating you'd have a compass, a chart, maybe a RDF and if the boat was big enough a radar . It seemed to work.
Seems like overkill to have all those electronics on board but when weather closes in, the electronics are essential. I still carry paper charts though.
I can only recommend to stay away from Raymarine. I replaced all my Raymarine equipment about 6 months ago and the Axioms are a complete nightmare. Freeze up continuously, lead their own life, I have to keep my old Simrad NSS12 as back up, otherwise I run into dangerous situations all the time.
Checked with other Axiom owners and many of them report the same problems. Very annoying.
All those comments about electronics and overkill struck a chord; When I was much younger, back in the 60's, I boated and fished all over Peconic Bay to Gardiner's Bay, and through the canal into Shinnecock and the ocean cut, with nothing except my eyes, ears, and local knowledge. Of course, these were just day-trips, and in somewhat sheltered bays, although Peconic could kick up suddenly, but now, having an interest in going to unfamiliar places, I can't imagine doing the same thing.
Driving my car is similar now; it is almost second nature to enter a destination into the GPS, even when I think I know the way. And when I walked into a large highway rest stop to ask for a map last year, the kid behind the counter actually laughed, and asked why I would want a map!
No question we - or at least I - have lost something in the process, but I will also admit that the technology provides some reassurance and comfort, and I am not planning to go back. But I will be sure to keep paper charts on hand, just in case.
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