Crusing speed 36 MMC

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Senior Member
Jun 8, 2010
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
1997 Mainship 350
Was looking at a mid 80's Monk designed MMC 36ft single Perkins. Very clean. Broker clammed cruising speed 8 knots. Max 10 knots. Does this sound right?
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Sounds reasonable. My friends 36 monk (early 90's with a Cummins) runs about that but maybe a little more top end...I think he has 210 hp or so...I've cruised with him and 7.5-8 is where we run..
Was looking at a mid 80's Monk designed MMC 36ft single Perkins. Very clean. Broker clammed cruising speed 8 knots. Max 10 knots. Does this sound right?
Not in my experience with my Perkins. 6.7-6.9 knots cruise, no-current at about 1.8 gallons per hour. 8.0 knots max after a while. MPH maybe. After 6.9, the wake just gets bigger and you burn more fuel for every 0.1 knot/ 100 RPM.
You really have to look hard at a piling in the water to see the eddy swirls from 0.5 kt current.
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