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For Sale: Cummins 6B5.9-M diesel

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Alabama Boater

Senior Member
Apr 18, 2016
Vessel Name
Always Something!
Vessel Make
Tiara 3700 open
Cummins 6B5.9-M marine diesel engine

For Sale: 1 naturally aspired 115 hp in-line 6 cylinder diesel. The engine was originally built in 1991 and has the small 7mm injectors. It is heat exchanger cooled and has the low profile aluminum oil pan. It is complete and in running condition. No transmission is included but does have a transmission adapter plate, suitable for Velvet Drive or Hurth. (I do have various ratio Velvet Drive transmissions that I can rebuild and a Hurth 63A 2.0/1 available) This engine is the second of a pair that I purchased. I sold the sister engine for a Leman replacement this spring

The engine has gone through reconditioning that includes block stripped and phosphate treated, new pistons, rings, bearings, head resurfaced with valves and seats ground, valve springs tested and replaced as needed, rocker arms bushings checked, rebuilt injectors (new nozzles) and pump, new 12V starter and 105A alternator, rewired to include new temp sender and separate alarm, new oil pressure sender and separate alarm. The engine wiring harness is plug compatible with Mercury and Crusader. Heat exchanger and oil cooler cleaned and pressure tested. Exhaust boiled out and pressure checked. The parts were primed and painted prior to assembly. New hoses and clamps were used in assembly. The rear of the block, #6 cylinder, has the improved water outlet for cooling. A transmission oil cooler and bracket is include but not shown. As these engines were rebuilt for my own intended use, whatever needed was done. I bought a $4K dyno to break them in.

The engine has been run approximately 2 hours on a water brake dyno per Cummins break in procedure for the first 3 steps, to 75% power. The dyno is designed for higher RPM horse power so I was unable to get to the 100% load at 2500 RPM for the final step. (Dyno is 450 hp @ 5000)

Why am I selling? I bought the engines in unknown condition as USCG takeouts. They needed much work and conversion to 12V as outlined above. My original intent was to buy a gas powered 36’ Tiara and repower with these diesels. I have already converted a 33’ Tiara to Perkins 4.236 power. I am retired and not in any hurry while cruising. I do like the 2¼ gph fuel burn though!! I ended up buying a diesel powered 37’ Tiara and no longer need this remaining engine. For the adventurous type, I have 1 new and 1 reconditioned 210 hp injection pumps and 2 rebuilt turbos available at additional cost to make the power up conversion.

Upon pickup, I will start the engine prior to final payment so the buyer can verify the running condition. My hoist will load into a pickup or on to a car trailer. I cannot lift into a semi.

Asking $5,000. Located in north Alabama. PM me if interested or for more details.


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I don't have drawings handy for this engine....could it be stripped enough (reasonably) to fit through a 22 1/2" wide door opening?
Chris the drawings for this engine are available on the Seaboard Marine site. Just go to the technical information section and the 6BT includes the 6B model dimensions,

Yes, thanks. Found that as soon as I got done posting the question, as usual.
Drawing makes it look possible, but I was also hoping to hear from the OP as to how difficult it might be to strip the required pieces off.
I really shouldn't be shopping for things like this, but what fun would that be?
Additional photo

A question was asked as to what would need to be removed from assembled engine to reduce width. The heat exchanger and lower piping would reduce width about 5". photo included of sister engine (just larger alternator)


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If its still available I will take it.

I either have to rebuild and resleeve a lehman or replace it with something else. Since it has a adapter for a velvet drive I would much rather replace the engine altogether.
So just to update, I sent a deposit on the motor today. Chris, I hope no toes were stepped on in the process.
Thanks Barnacles ... motor is sold ...
No worries, Barnacles. Thanks for thinking of me. I'm betting you got a super deal there, hope you get many happy miles out of it.
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