Desolation Sound - shrimp and crab?

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Jan 9, 2018
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Grand Alaskan
Going to be making the trip to Desolation Sound mid June and haven't been there in over 20yrs. Currently setting up the tender for shrimping and crabbing, anyone care to share their favorite spots, and what depths? Thanks in advance!
Thanks, that was going to be my general default...look for other traps. It will be an experience either way!
Just realize that the commercial prawn season started on May 17th and is in full swing now. Usually ends mid to end of June.

Recreational traps on top of commercial traps are not well received.

There can be 50 traps on each commercial string.
There's a 300 - 400 ft depth area south of the Tenedos park anchorage. Used to be productive, but that was 30 years ago. Also, close to the entrance to Squirrel cove we always see prawn traps.
Going to be making the trip to Desolation Sound mid June and haven't been there in over 20yrs. Currently setting up the tender for shrimping and crabbing, anyone care to share their favorite spots, and what depths? Thanks in advance!

So many people there in the summer nobody should fish for anything IMO.
If the season is open I don't see a problem following the rules.
I had almost no crab success and limited prawn in desolation, far better places either north or south. Prawn season has been great in the San Juan’s, pulled 3 people’s limit both days with 4 pots and 1 soak.
Thanks Arthur.

On a side note, a friend recently invited us to look at a KK 54 and we really liked it. How long have you had yours?
Over 2 years now. Absolutely love her.
I did a full retrofit (new wiring, plumbing, electronics, engine, genset, paint, bright work, windows, etc) but couldn’t be happier. Built like a tank, handles anything. Happy to go into details if you are interested.
I had almost no crab success and limited prawn in desolation, far better places either north or south. Prawn season has been great in the San Juan’s, pulled 3 people’s limit both days with 4 pots and 1 soak.

Maybe I'm reading the regs incorrectly, but it appears to me like the San Juans are closed for crab. I'm new to the area so what am I missing?
You aren’t incorrect, prawns are open now(ish), depends on area. Crab will open up mid july(ish)
Thanks for giving the lowdown on KK 54s to my buddy. Really cool boat!
Crabs are rarely good in the Desolation Sound area. So poor most folks don't bother with the crab trap.
Prawns, on the other hand are usually pretty good, especially after the commercial season closes (usually early July). Those who reliably catch prawns do so because they have tried everything and have found a combination that works for them. Also because they are not tied to a location and will move to where their friends who are having success advise them to go. There are no guarantees that a place will produce. Overfishing will ruin any good producing place in a short while.
Get your Canadian License, observe the limits, don't crowd a busy prawn ground, good luck.
Great advice. We are doing so more for the experience and are heading to Vancouver this weekend to grab licenses and a Telus SIM card. Flying the kids up to Deso for part of the trip and this, kayaking and paddle boarding should keep them busy and entertained.

I just want to get away from work and the rat race for 3 weeks and enjoy the beauty of the cruising area.
I have not had good luck in Desolation in the mid-summer. Too crowded and too many others trying to do the same thing. I go up to the Broughtons, normally crab in 40 feet more or less and try to look for an outfall coming down from the land, a small drainage or the like. I have tried cat food, chicken and salmon heads for bait. Salmon heads seem to work better. Be sure your licenses are in order.
As an aside, you can't get to the Broughtons from the south without traversing rapids. But they are a non-event at slack water, so read the tide chart and proceed.
Best of luck, let us know how the trip went.
I have not had good luck in Desolation in the mid-summer. Too crowded and too many others trying to do the same thing. I go up to the Broughtons, normally crab in 40 feet more or less and try to look for an outfall coming down from the land, a small drainage or the like. I have tried cat food, chicken and salmon heads for bait. Salmon heads seem to work better. Be sure your licenses are in order.
As an aside, you can't get to the Broughtons from the south without traversing rapids. But they are a non-event at slack water, so read the tide chart and proceed.
Best of luck, let us know how the trip went.

Just back from 3 weeks in Desolation and the Broughtons, as far up as Port McNeil. Agree totally respecting the rapids on slack. Also if you time the currents you can really save on fuel. We were making 10.8 knots at our normal 6 knot rpm at times. (Averaged 1GPH for most of the trip)

The downside is you may need to “rise and shine” to catch the slack and tide direction you want or conversely wait things out.

The crab fishery here has gone kaput. I have heard several times that the Chinese have paid a high price to have it all...I’ve tried several times in the area between Steveston and Howe sound right up to Squamish and got skunked every time
I'm still going to give it a try as it has been 30yrs since we last visited the area. Got my fishing license last week and now prepping the tender and gear. Hope to nab a few meals but if I get skunked the experience will still be worth. And yes, keeping an eye on currents and tides for all passages. Thanks for all the feedback!
Crabs and Shrimp

I lived in Seattle from 89 to 91 and did a lot of crabbing. Main thing was to find a place where a stream or small river flowed out into the deep water. That is where find all the debris, dead creatures, etc. So much of the water I Desolation Sound is too deep.
A friend of mine recommended to make sure you have the Canadian version of the shrimp pots/traps. Apparently they use a smaller mesh than the US traps and you'll have better luck. With the US traps you won't catch much. I can confirm that after attempting to crab in Desolation the past few years, it's just not worth it. Nothing much worth keeping.

You'll do better in the San Juans though be careful about crabbing near Roche unless you're willing to watch your pot. My own pot and ones belonging to friends were raided for any caught crab, bait stolen and replaced with a rock. It's happened to too many people for it to be a coincidence. Pretty damned rude if you ask me since crabbing is both legal and open to all with the right equipment and a license. I never place my pot in a crowded area but it's happened to me twice. I suppose whoever raided my crab pot got their way since I won't bother crabbing there anymore unless I decide to float around with my dinghy while watching my pot.
A friend of mine recommended to make sure you have the Canadian version of the shrimp pots/traps. Apparently they use a smaller mesh than the US traps and you'll have better luck. With the US traps you won't catch much. I can confirm that after attempting to crab in Desolation the past few years, it's just not worth it. Nothing much worth keeping.

The different mesh sizes determine the size of the Prawns or shrimp that will remain in the trap. If you are determined to keep all the smaller prawns and all of the shrimp, use the small mesh. If you are only interested in larger sizes, use the larger mesh sizes. All of the shrimp will leave, also the squat lobster (a nuisance bycatch) and all of the smaller prawns. If the area you are in has been overfished, there will be few, if any larger prawns.
Use of the smaller mesh will help ensure no growth to larger prawns by depleting the resource of smaller prawns.
Wow, kind of depressing to hear about over fishing and limited (if any) catch sizes. It will be a learning experience for me and if we don't catch any so be it. The rest of the experience will be excellent and catching shrimp or crab will be a bonus. I've got the necessary licensing so just have to get the gear ready. The trip is coming up quickly.
Our 3 week trip came and went by way too fast, we all had a wonderful time exploring the area. We did end up having luck with crabs, but only caught a handful of spotted prawns. We will definitely be back to enjoy the beauty of the area!
I will be making my first trip to Desolation Sound this September. I am glad a did a search before starting a thread about crabbing and shrimping.

If you don’t mind I have a few questions about both of these activities. I have crabbed before but only in the San Juan’s.

As far as shrimping goes, what depths should I be focusing on?

What kind of bottom structure?

Is a pot puller required or can I use a ball and ring?

How heavy is the pot when weighted?

I will most likely be doing this from a 12’ RIB dingy.

Thanks in advance for any and all info.
I will be making my first trip to Desolation Sound this September. I am glad a did a search before starting a thread about crabbing and shrimping.

If you don’t mind I have a few questions about both of these activities. I have crabbed before but only in the San Juan’s.

As far as shrimping goes, what depths should I be focusing on?

What kind of bottom structure?

Is a pot puller required or can I use a ball and ring?

How heavy is the pot when weighted?

I will most likely be doing this from a 12’ RIB dingy.

Thanks in advance for any and all info.

I have just returned from a few weeks in Desolation sound. Crabs? Didn't even throw the trap in the water. There are very few mud bottoms, and any that I have tried have failed to produce, over the past 40 yrs.
Prawns are up and down. Some locations produced well for a few days, then fell off, or had produced for others before I arrived and fell off for me. Generally, down from last year by 50%. Some secret locations (if I told you I would have to.....) still produce OK but not in the numbers I was used to .. On returning to the Gulf Islands, I have found the same here. Reports today from Desolation the same as I have reported above.
I have been trying different depths, but the magic depth is evasive and ever changing.
Good luck!
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