Duties on foreign flagged vessels into US

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Jun 1, 2012
If an American brings a foreign flagged vessel, which he owns in his name, into American waters, is duty still owed on its valuation?

Nothing here related to commercial activities like sale or charter, just private use. CBP is very slow getting back to me on this, so wondering if anyone has knowledge of this situation.
On a cruising permit, so 1 year or less. Age is relatively new, like 1 year old.
Ask an USA maritime attorney. Or query the USA Dept. of State and USA Homeland Security.
I looked this up online a while back. If it was made in the US then no duties as I remember. If it was made overseas and no duties paid here on it then I think you would have to pay the duties. There was pretty good information online.
If you are "visiting" on a cruising permit, and the vessel remains foreign flagged, then I don't believe there is any duty because you are visiting, not importing the boat. When your cruising permit expires you will need to remove the boat from the country, then come back in on a new cruising permit.

If you plan to register or document the boat in us, e.g. US flag the boat, then it will need to be imported and duty paid.

In all cases there will be fees involved. This just addresses import duty.
Just fired off my 3rd email to them. Response time is so slow, but in the past it hasn't been stellar either.

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