markpierce wrote:
So, do we need*different licenses for single-screw versus double-screw, versus with or without bow thruster, under 8 meters, under 12 meters, ad nauseum?**Should we (owners/masters)*hire captains until a license is obtained?
*I don't know what the practical answer is.*
But I take it you're fine with a recent immigrant from Hong Kong buying a new boat (Bayliner as it so happened) in Vancouver*and then proceeding to run it between a tug and its tow, hang the boat up on the towline, at which point the barge ran over the boat and killed the majority of the family and invited guests on board including a baby and a couple of kids?
I assume you're fine, then, with a boater buying a boat and then proceding to take it out in rough water, lose control of the boat, and have it flipped with the loss of everyone on board?
I take it you're fine with the proud new owner of a 50-something foot boat taking it out for the first time and doing about $50,000 worth of damage to the neighboring boats in the marina*as well as his own?
Since you're just fine with all of that--- all of which were actual occurances, by the way--- I assume you would be fine with letting people plunk down the money for a car and then procede to drive it with no prior driving experience at all.
I don't see why driving or even pilot licenses should be required at all, really.* Since people are apparently fine with people getting killed by totally inexperienced boaters there should be no difference at all between that and people getting killed by totally inexperienced drivers or pilots.* Dead is dead, right?*
How you died doesn't make much difference once you
have died, right?*
Drving a cars's dirt simple.* Turn the key, press the pedals, turn the wheel.* A caveman could do it.* And the recent Barefoot Bandit from Whidbey Island showed that you don't need to take lessons to be able to fly a plane.* He learned how to do it with Microsoft Flight Simulator.* True, he crashed every plane he stole when he tried to land, but he walked away from them okay.* So looks like pilot's licenses are unnecessary, too.
So if you're gonna wave the Freedom flag around, put your money where your mouth is.* No licenses needed for anything.* Now THAT's* freedom, right?