Fire at Shilshole

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Aug 21, 2014
Vessel Name
Beach Music II
Vessel Make
2003 Mainship 430 Trawler
Wife saw it on Facebook. Pau Hana, are you OK?
Wife saw it on Facebook. Pau Hana, are you OK?

Saw that too. I heard it was over on P dock. Peter is over on F or G dock iirc.
Any word on the boat name, or type?
I hope no one was hurt and that the damage was as limited as possible. Marina fires can be real PIA.
Situation: you see a boat on fire at the dock. After reporting it, now what?
Grad a hose and send your wife fight the fire. Grab a bottle of wine, get a glass, and watch.

Of course I am just joking!!!

Grad a hose and send your wife fight the fire. Grab a bottle of wine, get a glass, and watch.

Of course I am just joking!!!


We know you care too much about your wife to allow this but, does does she care too much about you, to let you fight the fire? :confused:
Grad a hose and send your wife fight the fire. Grab a bottle of wine, get a glass, and watch.

Of course I am just joking!!!


We know you care too much about your wife to allow this but, does does she care so much about you, to let you fight the fire? :confused:
Situation: you see a boat on fire at the dock. After reporting it, now what?
Protect the exposures. If you can protect the exposures by extinguishing the fire, go for it. If not, hose down or move the neighboring boats away.
High Wire nailed it!
Once the fibreglass gets burning, it is mostly about trying to stop the fire from spreading to other boats, the docks, boathouses, etc. without putting life at risk.
Marina fires (boats tied up in a marina) are often very, very difficult to deal with. Long set up times (to advance hoselines from shore to dock location), often only one way out to the fire location and therefore one way back (without going in the water which is not good in fire protective gear). Don't get caught (trapped) on the "water side" of the fire.

My advice for those without the necessary knowledge, tools, and equipment is (if the fire gets a good foothold) "run away" and leave it to the firefighters! Life safety is first and foremost! Oh, and by the way, call the fire department first thing!!! Seen the "I'll try to put it out first" method, and the results! Usually not good!
I can tell you Peter is Ok. We both live on the same dock. I wasn’t even aware that there was a fire in the marina. P dock is a fair distance from us. Unfortunately it’s all to common an occurrence to find fire engines in the parking lot. Most often it’s a medical emergency.

If you find a boat on fire, do not untie it. Untie the boats nearby that are not on fire and get them away.
It was a 34 foot powerboat called Lucky Duck. It was about 75 feet from my sailboat.
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