Fresh Water Pump

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Veteran Member
Nov 7, 2018
Vessel Name
Slow Mo
Vessel Make
Grand Banks 36 Classic
Hi all-

I have a 1991 Grand Banks 36 Classic that still has it's original GROCO Paragon Junior fresh water pump. I don't want to tempt fate so I am looking for a replacement other than another Junior @ approximately $2, 000.


Thanks Ted-

The rebuild kit is around $500 and you still have a 27 y/o electric motor. So I'm weighing the options...

Thanks again!

If you can limit the use of showers while the dishwasher or washing machine is operating a Sure Flow should work fine.

We install the deck wash pump, same pump head but 2x larger motor,and plenty of pressure.
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Hi all-

I have a 1991 Grand Banks 36 Classic that still has it's original GROCO Paragon Junior fresh water pump. I don't want to tempt fate so I am looking for a replacement other than another Junior @ approximately $2, 000.



Two years ago I replaced my 12 year old $175 Jabsco 40 psi pump with a new identical one. If you have a Groco pressure tank you could take this route. Two showers, 2 heads, 3 sinks, washer, two outside faucets, ice maker and an ER outlet - no problem.
I replaced the original pump on our '91 GB with a Shurflo pump. Worked fine, I did need to adjust the pressure down as it blew some of the old Quest joints. Blamed that on the pipes not the pump.
I had the PSR senior for years and it’s a great pump, but when it failed last year, I told some advice from a professional captain and got the Headhunter Mach something. No regrets, quiet and great performance.
Yes. Looks like a great pump but a quick Google search shows the price to be over $1,500

The OP already owns one and the repair kit only costs thirty bucks. Seems like it would be worth fixing.
One of the best pumps out there. I bought a second as a spare and put rebuild kits in the existing pump and the spare too. Pretty easy rebuild and not $500. Lots of people don’t know what they are, so finding used units for forever parts is easy and cheap.
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