Fresh water tank issues

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Sep 23, 2015
Vessel Make
Gozzard 51
I have a 200 gallon 23 year old fiberglass fresh water tank. Located in the engine room. Blisters have started to form on the interior walls along with some black spots. The access (from the top) is limited, ie not in all sections, because of baffles. Ideas on how to clean or should it be replaced? Either way I suspect I’d need to pull up the floor of the salon for adequate access to the top.
Welcome to TF, and I've taken the liberty of moving your thread to a place where it will attract more interest than in the 'How to use the forum, etc", area. :flowers:
Can you add more access ports to get to each baffled section? If so I would consider cleaning and sealing the inside.
May want to treat with low dose of chlorine - no idea what the black spots are. Chlorine is hard on plastic and rubber so don't go overboard.

You may want to have the water tested by a decent lab, not the cheap units water softener sales people use. If your tank is not leaking and water quality is acceptable, I wouldn't worry about it. Fiberglass blisters are seldom a fatal flaw.


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