GB structural details

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Senior Member
Jan 20, 2013
I am very curious to know the construction approach and materials GB uses for decking and super structure of their hulls. Specifically, I would like to know
1) what kind of core material GB uses in decks, stringers, samson post and beam cross members?

2) Do joints using screws have the head of the screws exposed vertically to falling water (specially with stancheons and cleats)?

3) Are windows and portholes joined to the structure by non-adhesive gaskets (no caulking) that are easy to replace by dismounting the fixture frame from inside?

4) are all materials exposed to the environment non-biodegradable?

5) Is water intake and discharge done above the waterline by using a sea chest approach, that is, not using a single sea cock below the water line?

There are other modern and more robust designs for boats that could be used. For example, a completely double-insulated electrical system would be much safer without using ground wires and totally preventing galvanic and induced corrosion than the approach used today.
Before we can answer your questions we need to know the year of the G.B.

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