Genset Hoses

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Oct 15, 2007
Vessel Make
Ocean Alexander 38'
My 8kw Onan was leaking on the raw water side and after removing the sound shield, found the hoses running to and from the heat exchanger were in bad shape. Pulled hoses and heat exchanger, which was actually pretty clean. Need to replace hoses, total of 5, that are short and have 90deg bends. Anyone have a good source for these in Seattle area?
My 8kw Onan was leaking on the raw water side and after removing the sound shield, found the hoses running to and from the heat exchanger were in bad shape. Pulled hoses and heat exchanger, which was actually pretty clean. Need to replace hoses, total of 5, that are short and have 90deg bends. Anyone have a good source for these in Seattle area?

Your local Oman dealer?

Of course if the hoses are not molded to a specific shape NAPA is a good source.
Hatton Marne should be able to help you. But you should sort out which hoses are molded for the specific gen set, versus those hat are just regular Trident or Shields wet exhaust hose. It could be any combination, even inside the genset enclosure.
If you do an ebay search "marine engine water hoses", various sizes are available. Some by the foot. Probably much cheaper than the typical marine store.
Those should be still available from Onan/Cummins. If you want to go cheap, take the molded hoses to an autoparts store and find ones that have the right bends and diameter, then trim to fit. Lots of car hoses have multiple bends, you could get lucky and get two or three gennie hoses out of one molded car hose with lots of bends.
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