George Buehler, RIP

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Diesel Duck

Senior Member
Sep 30, 2014
Colombia, South America and Huatulco, Mexico
Hello fellow TF members. I just wanted to share some news I received today about George Buehler.

Please find below a post made today on the forum:

"From George's assistant:

I am sorry to inform you that George was admitted to the cardiac ICU over the weekend, he will be out of office for possibly at least 6 weeks recovering from a double bi pass after having an aorta aneurysm and was airlifted.

Bill and Stella Kimley
Zhuhai, China
Cell: (86) 1370 231 8640

Thoughts and prayers for George and his family. Stay strong George. One of my favorite books.


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Great designer, best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Mr. Buelher is the reason we are all here!!!! Recover well sir!!!
Hopefully all will go smoothly with recovery. He is a legend.
He’s one of the main reasons we have Hobo. A legend.

Get well soon Mr Buehler.

Larry, how did Mr Buehler influence your decision to get Hobo?
...Larry, how did Mr Buehler influence your decision to get Hobo?

After cruising off shore for 8 years on a sailboat, we said we’re done crossing oceans but still wanted to travel some distances in something other than a coastal cruiser or a sailboat. We liked full displacement boats. Between Buehler and Bebe and their books, they helped Lena and I make the right decision and steered us toward Hobo.


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George Buehler

Ahh I understand. Thinking about it now, it does seem like Hobo is kind of a fiberglass version of the Diesel Duck with the efficient, full displacement hull and paravanres, but with a better living setup not as much in the hull. Would a smallish sail rig on Hobo similar to the Ducks have the same effect ya think? Has anyone tried that on a KK42?

I also have both of those books and go back and read them often.
We were lucky enough to spend some time with George a few years ago. He talks just the way his books read. :thumb::rofl:

Hope he gets well soon!

We will include him in our prayers for a swift recovery and I hope we can get updates on his progress.

Here's one of his i've got sitting on my reading table:

RIP George Buehler

I received the following notification today...

To all concerned…

It saddens me to announce the sudden death of George Buehler. George died February 28, 2018 at age 69 of complications following an aortic aneurysm and emergency surgery.

George would be honored that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to WAIF at

Whidbey Animals' Improvement Foundation is a non-profit organization which was formed in 1990 in an effort to help Whidbey Island's homeless companion animals.

Another important organization is Old Dog Haven at

Old Dog Haven • Helping old dogs in their golden years...........(truncated message)

His business George Buehler Yacht Designs at this time will be closed. Any future information of his memorial service or future business details will be provided at a later date.

George is survived by his wife Gail Buehler.


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RIP George!

A great deal of what you wrote influenced my choice in cruising boats.

What a shame, he had many good years in him yet, keeping us all thinking about trawlers and better ways to do things. RIP George.
Jaysus, only 9 years older than me!

A youngster.

RIP George. I nearly bought one of your boats but it failed the sea trial!
Jaysus, only 9 years older than me!

A youngster.

A reminder to us all that there's more to life than working to support a frivolous lifestyle.
Get out and enjoy life while you can
No one gets out of this place alive.
A reminder to us all that there's more to life than working to support a frivolous lifestyle.
Get out and enjoy life while you can
No one gets out of this place alive.

Doing it, and aggressively.

In fact I had dinner with a work colleague at the end of last year and laid out our plans for 2018 and he asked me if I was dying!

Go do it all guys.
A reminder to us all that there's more to life than working to support a frivolous lifestyle.
Get out and enjoy life while you can
No one gets out of this place alive.
I love my frivolous lifestyle ;)

Just saw on Duck Talk that George had passed. Shocked we are. George was a character and we were lucky to spend some time with him over a few days. This just s...ks.

If you read George's books, you had "talked" with George.

George was kind enough to help us drop off a rental car so we could take a trip on a Duck. He drove us around in his Dodge which was full of hair from his dog. :) This was just fine with us since we like dogs. :D We spent the time in the truck talking dogs and boats with George. One morning we were walking from the hotel to the marina and George drove by in his Dodge, honked at us and waved. We waved back but we were interested in the Dog Poo Brown Diesel Duck 462 sitting on the hard.


This just s...ks.

Sincere condolences to wife, Gail. RIP, George. I choose to picture you standing on the deck of your favorite vessel, coffee in hand while trawling into a fresh breeze, your machine working effortlessly as you lock the auto pilot onto a new and perminant heading toward the light.
Sincere condolences to wife, Gail. RIP, George. I choose to picture you standing on the deck of your favorite vessel, coffee in hand while trawling into a fresh breeze, your machine working effortlessly as you lock the auto pilot onto a new and perminant heading toward the light.

Don't forget the bathrobe and slippers. That was his trademark!!!!!
Very sad. Never met him in person but have had many email chats over the years with him. Always made me laugh how strongly opinionated he was and never shy to voice them!
I find it really frustrating and sad when such a productive and positive person is taken from us. The only consolation is the wonderful legacy he has left us with his original and interesting boat designs. I guess his boats will be his memorial.
Very sad. My deepest condolences to family, friends and all who knew him.
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