
The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Sep 7, 2013
Vessel Name
Gwaii Haanas
Vessel Make
Custom Aluminum 52
I have been on this site for 7 or so years and have posted, well, enough. I am getting censored and ignored which is a huge waste of my time so I have decided to bail for a while, or permanently. My posts are part of the record so if I ever said anything useful you can read it with a search.

You will look hard to find a join date earlier than mine, and I get it. I have had periods of relative inactivity here because for a long time I preferred the Trawlers and Trawlering email list which I joined in 1998. But fatigue like you are experiencing happens. Come back refreshed another time. Thanks for your opinions and contributions, because without them the site is useless.
... I am getting censored and ignored...
Guessing you want this discussed,instead of folding your tent and stealing away into the night. It could come from moderation,which under the Rules is not up for discussion,so we can`t. Does it relate to another member calling you a troll?
I like the irony of putting it in the "Welcome Mat".
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Well, I suppose I am a relative newbie.

What interests me is that sometimes I come across a post, like Gene above, who have been members for a long period of time with very little active posting.

Is it because they are avid readers who do not wish to interact much, or do they just simply visit the site very infrequently.

As 'rgano' notes,the value of these sites comes from the interaction of the members.

IMHO, the 'feeling' of site seems to have changed over time. When I first joined there was a strong group of interesting characters complete with their opinions, which led to some funny & heated offerings, some of which the mods put a stop to.

The occasional member was barred and a few left in a huff, some returned(and left again) and some we never heard of again.

I kind of miss the old days.
I have been on this site for 7 or so years and have posted, well, enough. I am getting censored and ignored which is a huge waste of my time so I have decided to bail for a while, or permanently. My posts are part of the record so if I ever said anything useful you can read it with a search.


See you on the water
Mr. X. Your call, my friend. I'll miss your input...sober second thought, as it were. Keep well, please.
Highest Regards....
I have been on this site for 7 or so years and have posted, well, enough. I am getting censored and ignored which is a huge waste of my time so I have decided to bail for a while, or permanently. My posts are part of the record so if I ever said anything useful you can read it with a search.


Tell us something that interests me, you custom trawler, please.
We all like to brag about our boats.
Tell us about the short comings and how you have and will improve your boat.
I am sure your description and picture will interest most, some, especially me.
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I wouldn't take it personally. I lurk a lot, sometimes for weeks, without posting. And, sometimes, when I do, I find that my answers are harsher than I mean them to be at times. It's hard to convey feeling on the internet.

But, when I do post, I think of it as the equivalent of sitting around with a bunch of cruisers at some marina lounge. Unless, I think I have something unique to offer, I'll just listen. And, sometimes, you just don't feel like talking (or posting).

:D < to show I am a friendly guy.
I can't stop posting - I'm an auld gossip! :D
Well Mr X I will certainly miss your posts and humor. I like that you do not filter your posts.
I know you'll be back.
I can't stop posting - I'm an auld gossip! :D

:thumb: me too
I will be the first to admit, some of my comments make no sense and sometimes wrong, which folks are not shy about pointing out. :D
:thumb: me too
I will be the first to admit, some of my comments make no sense and sometimes wrong, which folks are not shy about pointing out. :D

You're not wrong there! :D
XS. I always learn something from your posts. I even had to look up TTFN[emoji16]
Please don’t leave...
I've taken a break or two myself over the years. Hopefully you come back to add to the flavor, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

The very best of luck to you either way, sir.
XS, I hate to see anyone leave but certainly understand if you do. Social media in general has unfortunately become a place where faceless people can can be hurtful in what they post or reply with little or no repercussions. Some, I think, do it intentionally just to get under your skin. I read post a lot more than posting now and try to ignore the idiots but value all the good shared information. Take a break perhaps but I hope you come back.:)
Give me a private message if you venture onto the north coast. Maybe we can meet up.
You know, one of the benefits of owning a pair of deep water slips with power and water just a few miles from the MAGENTA LINE is that I have enticed Trawlering and Trawlers email listees and Trawler Forum members transiting through this area to a visit. We have even looked after boats for weeks at the time while the owners took a break from the Great Loop. It is rare in my experience that the impression I had of members matched up with the person I met. The later has always been sooo much more pleasant and interesting. You just cannot judge character well from the internet written word. I am of course the exception, and the perfect gent you read here will be the one handling your lines when you "come on down.":socool:
You will look hard to find a join date earlier than mine,
I looked and you beat me by 3 days! I'm sure there are others that have been here longer than we have.


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I have been a member since 10/06/07 so I guess I am a veteran with probably the fewest number of posts (this makes 61). While I look at this site almost every day I tend to resist posting for lots of reasons.

Thanks for your contributions over the years. You have exhibited all that is good here, knowledge, humour, experience. This site will be less without you.
You will be missed.
Your contributions were helpfull to many of us and made us think.
I can't stop posting - I'm an auld gossip! :D

:flowers:Menzies, Over time we, you and I, have disagreed with several of positions on various issues off topic, yet, given the opportunity I am sure in a face to face within the boating world we would remain civil.

As with XsBank, we all have had issues with differences from or with the modarators. Personal frustrations abound with similar reactions.

I chose to remain on the forum following the discontinuance of the ODE opportunity. I allowed that section to be come the focus where boating subjects was the basis for originally joining. It meant re-calibrating what the forum meant to me. In that vain, I overlook subject matter that is foreign to boating. As an example, I now view you Menzies, as a fellow boater, not as one whom to disagree with. I have found to my satisfaction, and at my advanced age, overlooking "Kerfuffles" as the current favorite discriptive word has made my attendance and attentive to the forum with a calmer attitude.

It would be my hope that XsBank will continue to 'lurk' for a time that would allow him perhaps, to mellow into a similar mentality where boating subjects he were to offer or comment on were in a methology that encourages again interacting with forum members.

Come back X-


I am sure this is all joke and just a smart way to trigger some love post and get flattered! :)

I have been a member since 10/06/07 so I guess I am a veteran with probably the fewest number of posts (this makes 61). While I look at this site almost every day I tend to resist posting for lots of reasons.

I consider you far wiser than I in doing so!!!:)
I looked and you beat me by 3 days! I'm sure there are others that have been here longer than we have.

Bet I am older than you too.:) Moby Dick was a minnow when joined the Navy.
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