Guess What - I Moved Aboard!!

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Scraping Paint
Oct 27, 2016
United States
As a follow up to this thread: I wanted to post an update.

It's been a month and a few days since we moved the boat into the marina and decided to move aboard, and its been a lot of up's and down's, a lot of fun days and a lot of stressful days.

It's taken a bit of time, but as I've crawled around and learned where everything is and how everything works, I've gotten a lot more comfortable being on the boat. Repairing the holding tank, and replacing the lines in the aft head was the hardest thing I've done so far, but it taught me a lot about the plumbing on the boat. Just sitting in the different hatches and looking around has taught me a lot.

Yesterday was a VERY good day on the boat. I started out replacing the stereo unit with a new one, and tracing out 20 year old speaker wire. I now have switchable sound between the stateroom, salon, and aft deck. The only two speakers that I do not have sound from are on the bridge, but I'll be trying to run new wire to those pretty soon. Having music wherever I was working was a HUGE moral boost! I also unclogged the aft sink drain, repaired the shower door, fixed one of the wooden stairs, and cleaned out my strainers. I ended up with the dreaded HPF error on my aft A/C again, but because of the help I received here on TF, I knew it was air in the line. I took the discharge line off the pump, started the unit, blew the air out, and reconnected the line and all was well.

We're also starting to get used to some of the things we initially didn't like about the boat. Like the stairs up the transom, and down into the salon. Now that we're getting used to them, they aren't so bad. Also, now that the weather is starting to cool off and the A/C systems have been able to keep up, its been WAY more comfortable on the boat.

Living in the marina has also been very good for our activity level as well. We find ourselves out for walks more, of course swimming in the pool, and generally just being more active. We had out first official live aboard cookout last Saturday with all of our dock neighbors, and that was tremendous fun. Someone always starts the BBQ pit around 6:30pm each Saturday and everyone brings their own meat and we all eat together. It's a great sense of community.

I realize how most of the concerns in my original thread were just worries, and we are finally at the point where those worries were worthless. We are both feeling very positive these days about our decision, and the enjoyment level is always increasing.

While its been a bit more of a stressful transition from house to RV, moving aboard is starting to prove itself as a very worthwhile decision. I can't wait until we take our home for our first weekend cruise somewhere!
Congratulation. One advice, before running new wire for your bridge speakers, test the existing one, it may just be the speaker or contacts and you may not need to deal with the hassle or rewiring.

Congratulation. One advice, before running new wire for your bridge speakers, test the existing one, it may just be the speaker or contacts and you may not need to deal with the hassle or rewiring.


I'd have to be able to find them first! LOL

After they leave the speaker I have absolutely no idea where they go to. They disappear somewhere. I've not yet been able to find the other ends.
Congratulations! It's cool how you're settling in, both to the boat and to the lifestyle. Keep us posted about your repairs/upgrades and especially about your first cruise and thoughts.

I'm awfully glad to read that! Good for you guys.

Someone online once asked whether or not I thought they should buy a boat. I hemmed and hawed about it for a while, typed about 10 different pages of text to try to pass out my best advice. Eventually I just said something like: I've had some of my best days on a boat. Some truly wonderful, soul filling, death-bed memory sort of days. I've also had some really crappy, super-frustrating days on the boat. Do with that what you will.

Although now that I really think back on it, a few years after selling my ship, the bad days have faded a lot more than the good ones. I haven't missed any of the money I spent on her, and even the days I spent broken down have turned into good sea stories now. How about that, I think I might actually miss my old boat.
Toocoys: So you're leasing your boat right? Also, what does your name mean??
Toocoys: So you're leasing your boat right? Also, what does your name mean??

Yes we’re leasing, leasing to purchase, something like that. Basically a good friend was gracious enough to lease it out to us so that we could try out living aboard without all the debt.

And “TooCoys” is a name I gave my very very first boat. My father bought me a run down, nearly in the ground fishing boat. A 19’ Cajun center console. We started working on it together and brought it back to life, and since both our middle names are Coy, I came up with “Two Coy’s” which morphed onto “TooCoys”. And I’ve just used it for screen names since.
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“TooCoys” is a name I gave my very very first boat. My father bought me a run down, nearly in the ground fishing boat. A 19’ Cajun center console. We started working on it together and brought it back to life, and since both our middle names are Coy, I came up with “Two Coy’s” which morphed onto “TooCoys”. And I’ve just used it for screen names since.

Love that familial connection. ?
The weirdest thing happened today.

It’s been about a month and a half since we put our RV in the shop for repairs and moved aboard. At first I was apprehensive and anxious and worried we had made the wrong decision.

Today we got the RV back and parked it back on the lot. My mother in law started moving into it and as I was setting things up, I realized how much it didn’t feel like home anymore and how comfortable I had gotten with boat life.

I’m so glad my home floats now!
:thumb:That's awesome, toocoys! Sounds like you're hooked now. :thumb:

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