Gunkholing in the CA Delta

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Apr 15, 2008
California Delta
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
1977 Marshall Californian 34 LRC
Tomorrow I head out to start my 2-week vacation from retirement. (Is that even possible?) I'll be gunkholing in the California Delta while running solo. Hope to meet up with fellow TFers along the way. Call or PM me if you'd like to anchor nearby.

My goal for the trip is to see how long I can make 100 gallons of freshwater and my 40 gallon holding tank last through normal use. I'm stocked up with plenty of IPAs so that shouldn't be a worry! Actually, none of it is a worry since there are plenty of freshwater sources, pump outs, and food & beer stores all around the Delta.

No schedules...I'll drop the hook when and where I feel the urge and will wander around exploring long-ago visited and new areas. I'm looking forward to living the life of Huck Finn on the river for a couple of weeks. I'll try to post up a pic or two during my travels. Cheers!!
I'm gonna start out of Vallejo/Mare Island Causeway/Napa River mouth running the length of Montezuma Slough, one of my favorite fishing and anchorage grounds. I haven't run the full length in 6 years but won't have to lock though the salinity gates this time of year since the gates are open. I hear they'll close at the end of August.

I'll exit near Chain Island, then I'll probably head past Rio Vista to Steamboat Sl. Run and anchor in that slough exiting on the Sacramento River. Then maybe run Georgianna Slough to the Mokelumne River. Who knows after that!! Maybe a search for Lost Isle!
Sounds like a great trip. Would like to see pictures so we can travel vicariously with you on your journey.
Al, please broadcast your AIS so we can at least "look over your shoulder" and follow your adventure, and local TFers might meet up.

And don't dare step on the swim platform without a PFD!

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Al, please broadcast your AIS so we can at least "look over your shoulder" and follow your adventure, and local TFers might meet up.

And don't dare step on the swim platform without a PFD!

That's something I'd expect my mother to post, Mark! :hide: :angel:

When I want to be seen, I'll broadcast my pseudo-AIS through Boatbeacon. I should also show up on It may be off during fishing and other periods of debauchery.
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I was going to suggest a spring clothes peg for the nose, to deal with both running out of shower water and filling the holding tank, but then got to the bit about ready availability of water and pump outs. And beer.:)
Have a great cruise. Hope you meet up with plenty of TF friends.
I'll catch up with you sometime after the 15th. Save me a spot...!
You probably know this already, but prior to going up Steamboat, keep to port past the ship canal and get some nice gunkholing on and near Prospect Slough. Sutter slough is usually quiet and less traffic and has some very pretty spots ( fore and aft anchors desireable in some spots).

We're jealous!
I was going to suggest a spring clothes peg for the nose, to deal with both running out of shower water and filling the holding tank, but then got to the bit about ready availability of water and pump outs. And beer.:)
Have a great cruise. Hope you meet up with plenty of TF friends.

Normal use also means a daily shower. I'm not camping!!

I'll catch up with you sometime after the 15th. Save me a spot...!

Sounds great, Ray. I'm looking fwd to it.

You probably know this already, but prior to going up Steamboat, keep to port past the ship canal and get some nice gunkholing on and near Prospect Slough. Sutter slough is usually quiet and less traffic and has some very pretty spots ( fore and aft anchors desireable in some spots).

We're jealous!

Prospect is one of my favorites and where Giggitoni and I anchored a couple years ago. Caught my personal best sturgeon there in 2010. Longer than my fishing rod at 7'6" and heavier than me at 220 lbs. Miner Sl also has some nice anchorages.

I just had the house roof replaced last week and now I'm sitting at home waiting for the building inspector to show up and sign off on the work. Then I pay the roofing company. If they drag their feet, I delay casting off the lines.

Al, your excursion sounds like a blast!

Just you, some water, and a little fishing!
Shoot me a text if you plan a marina night this week Al, we're on I-5 south now returning from a few days in Puget Sound. Jen goes back to work tomorrow but I have another week off.
Day 1:

I headed out to the marina around 1430, got the boat loaded and rinsed off and cast off the lines at 1645. I found a bit of tanker traffic to deal with as I entered Carquinez Strait heading east.



Once I got past the Benicia Bridge, the tanker traffic thinned out and the Mothball Fleet came into view. We're down to 11 boats in the shrinking MBF. The Patrol boat seen in these pics shaddowed me as I proceeded up the channel alongside the anchored fleet. He photobombed each pic!




As I reached the mouth of Montezuma Slough, I could feel the excitement that I used to feel as a kid returning to a familiar fishing lake in Wisconsin. I love this place. Home waters again!

As I proceeded up the slough, a small experimental seaplane called the Icon (built in Vacaville, CA) buzzed by me on his touch-and-go pass on the slough. It was a spectacular flyby that was over before I could reach the camera.

My anchorage for the night was calm and quiet in near-perfect conditions! Looking forward to many more along the way. At least I'm off to a great start.



Day 1=24 NM in 3.0 hrs

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Day 2:

A great night in Monte. Today I'll run the full length of Monte through the Salinity Gate to Chain Island, then up the Sacramento River to anchor in the lee of Decker Island near Rio Vista.

Montezuma Slough school house


Rio Vista Wind Farm:


Montezuma Salinity Gate:


A fellow traveler:



Day 2 total: 19 NM in 2:52
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Shoot me a text if you plan a marina night this week Al, we're on I-5 south now returning from a few days in Puget Sound. Jen goes back to work tomorrow but I have another week off.

Craig, We'll probably make it to the Secret Cove sometime on this trip so we could get you via dink at Tower Park. May be after this weekend, though. I'll keep you posted.

The repairs were completed in Dec and all is well! My boat's better than before the allision and the insurance company was great. I'd never use the yard, Vallejo Boat Works, again, though. The guy running it is a crook, IMO. Anyone can PM me for details if you're considering going there to have work done on your boat.

Here's a thread that discussed the boat repair.
As I reached the mouth of Montezuma Slough, I could feel the excitement that I used to feel as a kid returning to a familiar fishing lake in Wisconsin. I love this place. Home waters again!
Al, You have more fun on your boat than just about anyone i know! :thumb:
Thanks, Walt. I try to have a good time. It's hard not to have fun on a boat.

I've been looking into fuel prices today since I'm down to 1/3 tanks since my top off about 2.5 months ago. I thought of this after I had already passed Pittsburg and Antioch. I'm good for another 25 hrs or so.

Here's what I found so far.

Pittsburg $3.00
Antioch $2.85
Delta Marina $3.60 (10 cent cash discount)
Village West $3.66
Totally off topic, but where do you suppose the term "gunkholing" came from? It's such an unusual word. Lol

Sounds like you're having a good time so far!
Thanks, Walt. I try to have a good time. It's hard not to have fun on a boat.

I've been looking into fuel prices today since I'm down to 1/3 tanks since my top off about 2.5 months ago. I thought of this after I had already passed Pittsburg and Antioch. I'm good for another 25 hrs or so.

Here's what I found so far.

Pittsburg $3.00
Antioch $2.85
Delta Marina $3.60 (10 cent cash discount)
Village West $3.66

Vallejo marina: $3.73
Vallejo marina: $3.73

Since the closing of weekend fuel service (and marina office) in Vallejo, I wonder how old their fuel is getting.
I'm sure USCG Vallejo buys plenty. The marina refused to let me top off once when they hit a min level of 900 gals (IIRC) required be available to them by contract.
The tidal currents have aligned me perfectly for the north sky view of the Persiads meteor shower tonight. Nature's Olympics.
I'm sure USCG Vallejo buys plenty. The marina refused to let me top off once when they hit a min level of 900 gals (IIRC) required be available to them by contract.

Are their outboards diesel powered?

Al - Best luck in your Delta travels! I'm sure you will have a blast!!

Wish we could say we'd be there to meet cha. Unfortunately, this and last year have had numerous family health problems as well as business and home repair (from 200 yr. oak tree falling on house - couple hundred $ damage) items that preclude our opportunities to visit the Tolly and go out around Delta. Hoping to get to boat for upcoming Labor Day holiday weekend... not at all sure that can be arranged due to recent health flare ups. I've been sorrowfully lacking in tending to our 100 mile away fun-boat. Imagine the spiders on exterior are having a field day [we seal her real good to keep them spiders on outside only]. I sure hope to get her hauled this winter and spend couple to three weeks making love to her while I do many improvements... as well as general bottom repaint etc.

Enjoy yourself! :dance:

Totally off topic, but where do you suppose the term "gunkholing" came from? It's such an unusual word. Lol

Sounds like you're having a good time so far!

This sounds plausible to me.

Gunkholing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gunkholing is a boating term referring to a type of cruising in shallow or shoal water, meandering from place to place, spending the nights in coves. The term refers to the gunk, or mud, typical of the creeks, coves, marshes, sloughs, and rivers that are referred to as gunkholes.
That sounds like the Calif Delta
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