No. Never been there or done it.
I see on the web that Kevin Monahan had made a sketch of it. On the Fine Edge website he recommended to one person not to do it if his vessel draws more than a few feet.
Do you have a copy of Kevin Monahan's sketch? I ran into him in Victoria once and gave me all sorts of trip planning once.
He's been everywhere both in the coast guard and on his Nordic Tug. I'd consider him an authority.
I see he has an email address on his website.
monahan at
Might try that.
Are we talking the passage between Lohbrunner and Swindle, or Lohbrunner and Price?
Don't think Murray has been that far south.
Thanks TAD. We had a good look at the Tarkanen Shipyards in Sointula.
...getting on up past Campbell River by oar is just too much to comprehend.
By kayak we timed it to fight the last of an adverse tide going into Seymour Narrows (by milking back eddies along the shore), slack in the middle, and got flushed out the other end. My guess is that's been the way to do it for thousands of years.
Of course, but next time, just for fun, dress completely in wool, then load up your entire family with three goats and go through blind.
I contemplated doing the passage but didn't.
Going in when the next few days have higher tides would be a blessing.
It's probably one of those places that look scary on the charts but aren't so bad.
Local knowledge about hazards including kelp would be helpful.
Perhaps shooting out a PM to R Cook would produce the input you're looking for. He's been just about everywhere up there. Don't think Murray has been that far south.