Holiday Weekend

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May 11, 2014
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Grand Alaskan 53
So here in the U S of A it is a holiday weekend.

Who is planning on getting out on their boat and where are you headed?

We have plans, but waiting and watching for this tropical storm to make up its mind first! They are calling for it to go right over the top of us Thursday and Friday.
No plans. My wife and I will likely head out for a couple of days and try and find a quiet place to anchor. Since she is a teacher, she is working hard this week getting ready for the kids on Tuesday.
We are headed down the Columbia to Umatilla, OR. It's a beautiful cruise along hills covered by vineyards and includes a trip through McNary Dam and Lock. We'll probably head down there Saturday morning and return Monday afternoon. The weather should be in the low 80's with light winds and lots of fun.
We have a herd of boats going down to Galveston...Pelican Rest marina.
Holiday week end ?? love retirement I get 4 of those weekends a month and when everyone else gets one that's when I stay at home :)
I'm in the San Juans until next Tuesday, on the boat. My wife and daughter join me Thursday.
Holiday week end ?? love retirement I get 4 of those weekends a month and when everyone else gets one that's when I stay at home :)

I stayed home on holiday weekends even before I retired. The best destinations get too crowded for me. We have a few "secret" places that the crowds haven't found yet, or just aren't great enough to attract crowds. Or we just do day trips and come back to our home marina at night.

Hope all of you in the path of that storm stay safe!
Have charters scheduled for the 3 day weekend. Long range forecast says mother nature may have other ideas. Plan B is the Deale Island Skipjack Race and Festival. It's not often you get to see hundred year old boats racing.


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Headed up the so cal coast. About 200 miles round trip. It will be our longest trip this summer. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
No boating this weekend. Mississippi State football season opener this Saturday. Go Dawgs!
Holiday week end ?? love retirement I get 4 of those weekends a month and when everyone else gets one that's when I stay at home :)

That is funny!!! I usually feel the same way although not retired. Our area has such a concentration of boats in such a small space. So I just get out of our area.

Another thing...the "lake" we are on that leads to the bay is actually a creek. That creek is a county line with numerous municipalities around it. We have counted 13 enforcement agencies and THEY ALL HAVE BOATS!!!! The Texas Parks and Wildlife people actually anchor a mothership in the middle of the lake and then have about 6 "enforcement cruisers" tied up to it ready for battle. The Texas Highway Patrol even has boats!!! Figure that one out!! Not just boats either. They purchased six really badass triple engined center consoles at $600k per copy. They did it for "drug interdiction"...and guess where they end up...harassing pleasure boaters. Neither the TPW nor the USCG need probable cause to board your boat so they just sit at the choke points and board boats at random. Makes for a really fun relaxing weekend!!!
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Yeah...those are automatic weapons all around the boat.


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We will be tied/rafted to the dock of a local restaurant all weekend with six other boats. They have over 20 bands playing starting Friday night through Monday on a barge that they anchor out in front of the docks. Only about a 10 mile cruise each way, so won't be burning much fuel in the main engine, but no power on the docks so I'm sure the genny will get a good workout. Oh, and taking Uber from the docks to a concert at Wolftrap and back on Saturday night.
As we did when the Pope came here last year, we're driving to Canada. Relative's cottage on the Rideau.

We hope to drive there again next summer, but in the boat.
We have been out and about on the Chesapeake for several months. Due to weather moving up the coast we decided to move further inland and departed Snow Hill yesterday headed to Annapolis on Sunday. Just pulled into Crisfield and find myself almost directly across the dock from Slow Hand.
I wish but we are still on the yard .


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Nobody anchors out here In our neck of the woods...It's always easy to find a good anchorage in an idyllic area regardless of holiday or not. We'll day trip on Saturday with some friends..
Wifey B: Home :dance: Home :dance: Home :dance: Been away nearly 2 months. We may get out on the water a little of may just wait until after the holiday.
We have been out and about on the Chesapeake for several months. Due to weather moving up the coast we decided to move further inland and departed Snow Hill yesterday headed to Annapolis on Sunday. Just pulled into Crisfield and find myself almost directly across the dock from Slow Hand.

Small world. Was going to go down to the boat today, but needed to prep for a charter tomorrow. Hope you had a good time in Snow Hill. Lots of good paddling (kayak & canoe) on the Pocomoke tributaries. Will you be in Crisfield till Sunday?

Wifey B: Home :dance: Home :dance: Home :dance: Been away nearly 2 months. We may get out on the water a little of may just wait until after the holiday.

:thumb::thumb: We just finished (Sunday) an eleven week, 20 plus state, 11K plus mile road trip. Our butts are sore. We're back on Hobo (in FL) and liken it. Somebody says lets go for a ride? :eek: Maybe in a few weeks.
No boating this weekend. Mississippi State football season opener this Saturday. Go Dawgs!

Same, here. My Longhorns play the Irish this Saturday. I might have to start drinking early to be able to watch. It's been hard to be a Horns football fan these last few years. :banghead:
Heading to the San Juans on the 5th. High expectations for empty anchorages, parks and marinas......??
Heading to the San Juans on the 5th. High expectations for empty anchorages, parks and marinas......??

I am envious of your flexible schedule. I doubt that it will be empty, but I bet it will be more sedate. :thumb:
We normally don't go out for weekends or short trips, just a couple weeks up to a couple months a few times per year. We avoid holiday weekends because there are so many boats out, especially people who only boat on holidays and don't know what they are doing or feel compelled to combine boating and alcohol consumption.

So, my wife is out of town and I may or may not take the puppy and spend a night or two on the boat at the marina.
Small world. Was going to go down to the boat today, but needed to prep for a charter tomorrow. Hope you had a good time in Snow Hill. Lots of good paddling (kayak & canoe) on the Pocomoke tributaries. Will you be in Crisfield till Sunday?


We enjoyed Snow Hill, but have a deadline to be in Annapolis early Monday morning. With this weather potential we cut that stay short to get up the Bay before the North wind kicks in. The weather might not arrive, but we I can't take that chance on this one. We cruise full time so we can go back later in the season.
Sedate is exactly what we are looking forward to!

Wifey B: Sedate for me too.....well, sort of....last I checked we have a lot of people coming over on Sunday and a lot of rain in our forecast. :eek:
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