I’ve been busy!

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Aug 30, 2016
United States
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
1986 Marine Trader 36' Sundeck
I’ve been busy installing new windows and making exterior window covers. Wow what a difference it has made on the air conditioners not to mention the aesthetics. It has been super hot here in Florida and now my air conditioners actually shut off during the day! I’m very pleased! Bimini enclosures are next!


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Awe thank you RT! I have missed the forum too. Southerly has been all consuming! Lol! Work has been busy too and I took a 2 week vacation to Alaska!
Vacations are for working on the boat... Good job on the window covers, they really make a difference.
Where did you get the glass done in the end?
A very small shop in Orlando. The gentleman has been doing it for 50 years! Turnaround is 1 day. I had 12 double windows and pulled 3 at a time. A friend works in Orlando so he dropped them off and picked them up the next day. Much simpler project then I thought.
You still attending the monthly MTOA lunches?
The only MTOA function I have attended was Ortega Landing. Never know when or where they are at.
I get an email every month, maybe you need to sign up for those. However they all seem to be down Palm Coast/Daytona way so too far for us. Next one is in Palatka.
Good to see you here Donna! Window covers look great. Often wonder how you're doing when passing your old marina on my way North or South.

Palatka is too far for me. I’ll sign up for emails.

Thanks OC! Doing great! Hope you are too! I’m in yacht harbor marina now. Just across the way from palm Coast marina. It’s so much nicer!
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