Ice breaker

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Jun 22, 2017
Hey all, Thom and Gail McClarren here. Looking forward to reading and sharing on this forum. We were live aboard sailors for almost a decade. We have been away from the water for a while and are looking forward to getting back to our roots. This time, however, we are in the trawler market.
P.S. Not looking for an ice breaker LOL

Ya, I thought of a thread about an ice breaker boat....

But, let's break out the ice, welcome.

Keep us posted as you trawler shop, we'll spend your money.
Thread title got my attention also - when in banking I once financed the construction of an Ice Breaker - for a privately owned company in Louisiana - for charter to the Nat Science Foundation as a USA asset in Antarctica - the R/V Nathanial B Palmer - worth a Google:) Probably not what you are looking for:rofl::rofl:
Welcome aboard. This is a great place with great people. Heck, they even let me hang out here and I don't own a trawler.
Thanks for the welcome and the heads up on the ice breaker for sale. Cracked me up! Wish us luck as we are headed to Florida end of Juy to see 4 Mainship 390's. Three in the Vero Beach area and one in St Pete. It will be a busy 6 days.

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