Icerette Removal

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Senior Member
Jan 12, 2021
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Gulfstar 49 MY
So the Icerette does not work, and I have no more need for ice of that quantity on demand, so out it goes.

I would like to remove without dissembling cabinetry if possible. I removed trim and the obvious screws but it does not want to move beyond the top tilting out an inch or two.

Understanding water and power sources may be an issue, however I would think it would budge a bit more.

Anything obvious here that I am missing from folks who have installed or removed one of these?

(Anyone want a non-functioning Icerette?)
There may be a lathe or some such preventer across the bottom to prevent it sliding out of the cabinet. I had such a thing impeding the removal of an under-counter reefer. Had to tilt it back to clear this thing before pulling back forward. I have seen appliances wedged in pretty tightly - it was always easier to push them in than to pull them out. Since it is non-functional, there's always the Saws-All you could employ to reduce it some while it is still in the cabinet. Another thought; when installing such things I always had a "maintenance loop" of power and water supply lines unless there was a way to access the appliance from the rear.
I have removed several from different boats and never had any issues. Just unscrewed it in the front and slid them out until I could undo the water and power. Could be as suggested by Rich.
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