Is there such a thing as a two position dinghy davit?

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Apr 14, 2023
Hello everyone, I've searched around for an answer to this with no luck. What I'm wondering is if there is such a thing as davit system that would hold a rigid hull tender either off the rear edge of the swim step like usual, or further forward so that the tender was sitting on top of the swim step.

The reason I ask is that I'm looking at a trawler with a large swim step (about 3 ft deep) and with the dinghy off the back edge it adds a lot to the overall length of the vessel, complicating locating moorage. Before you ask, putting the tender on a deck somewhere isn't practical for this vessel.

Aside from the slip length concern, I think with the outboard removed and the tender held closer to the transom and lashed to the rail, perhaps with some padding involved, that would make a more secure and seaworthy option for longer or rougher passages.

I'm thinking that if there was a hinged davit mounted about 12" from the back edge of the swim step, with a 12" tang, the tender could be held off the back edge like typical, with some struts to secure the upper gunwale to the transom, but if you swung the hinge over the other way, the lower gunwale of the dinghy would then sit about two feet (12" x 2) from the back edge and then the tender would be entirely on top of the swim step. In that position you would not use the struts for the upper gunwale but instead lash it against the stern rail or stanchions.

Has anyone seen such an arrangement or have any other ideas for how to accomplish this? TIA
I haven't seen anything like that but perhaps you could install a pair of weaver snap davits, or something similar on a track that allows you to slide it aft when OAL isn't limited but slide them forward when you need to squeeze in and can do without access to the swim platform. Repositioning would be a challenge but you could probably find a solution.
On the Outbound the davits pivoted from their base. Pivoted down they were well over the water. Pivoted up the dinghy was entirely over the swim platform.
I’ve seen a similar arrangement on other brands of boats as well. It not that uncommon.
I am installing a Dinghy Butler. It attaches to the transom and is hinged to clear the swim platform. Then lower dinghy.
Cruising this old boat has a utube video of installation.
I haven't seen anything like that but perhaps you could install a pair of weaver snap davits, or something similar on a track that allows you to slide it aft when OAL isn't limited but slide them forward when you need to squeeze in and can do without access to the swim platform. Repositioning would be a challenge but you could probably find a solution.

That is a clever solution! The dinghy is about 160 lbs.
I am installing a Dinghy Butler. It attaches to the transom and is hinged to clear the swim platform. Then lower dinghy.

Interesting, but hanging horizontally like that the dinghy still extends the LOA beyond the swim step.
It seems like you presented a solution, which now you're trying to fill. (i.e. A davit that holds the dinghy in two different positions).

I understand the first part of the problem is LOA. Then why not have a davit that stores the dinghy on the large swim platform? Is it space that is an issue??

How about a Seawise Davit??
Davits mounted on a slide track to transom seems like best suggestion all around, even while underway.
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