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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I have been following a lot of the updates, and he does seem to be running about 6 knots, but he has also done pretty well finding good seas and keeping wind and current on his stern. He has hit some periods were he has the current pushing him up to 7-7.5 knots.
Riding a wakeboard behind a KK 42 in the middle of the Atlantic! What a picture that would be!
Richard's updates. As far as I can tell, Richard has not used email capacity, but is using the text message feature of his tracking device. I would guess that he at least has email through his SSB radio, but I haven't seen a message sent that way yet.
With the inreach satellite device he can send 150 character messages out and receive as well depending on what plan he is on. It costs him to receive them though after a certain limit. I'm so enjoying tagging along with them virtually.
Richard answered two of my questions: He confirmed that Dauntless has paravanes. If you recall the active stabilizers were subject to breakdowns during the 2004 Nordhavn rally across the Atlantic.

He also confirmed that he had covered all the windows of Dauntless with Lexan. The windows on a Krogen 42 are larger than those found on a Nordhavn 40 or 46 and there is thus some concern for possible breakage. The Nordhavns frequently have Lexan on the port side salon windows.
They seemed to have settled into a steady pace. Hopefully they will hit some favorable seas to make the trip enjoyable.
We are all with you Dauntless!
Richard's update from yesterday:

*​7/29 935am ​*
It's mid morning, Sun finally out, but seas very sloppy. I'm still having
to run NE until winds and seas calm down, hopefully this evening.
​The bird (paravanes) was close to coming out of the water as Dauntless
settled in the trough just before ever so daintely lift herself above the
​Last night was the first night that the winds did not slacken.
Hard to sleep as every so often, the hull would be slapped by a wave.​
Larry, thanks for his update.
Seems that he has had a straight easterly track for the last 3 to 4 hours so hopefully seas are less sloppy now and a consistent following sea. Looks like he will have that for next few days. Maybe give them a chance to get caught up and relax a bit.
Yesterday afternoon:

*From 7/29 6:35pm*
Julie and I just finished watching a few episodes of a Korean drama.
Life is tough.
Winds are finally dying down, and look to be even calmer tomorrow.
Then we can set the autopilot to 097°T & get this show on the road.
First day that I had nothing to deal with.
Both water tanks are full, the Lehman is humming along, and Dauntless just glides over these big waves.

Krogen should consider having an outing at things like trawler fest, where
they take owners out in BAD seas.

People are afraid of what they don't know.

1080 miles to go.

Seas are down to 4 to 6'
Feels like a pond, compared to the last few days. Wind is still 12kt.
Hoping for light westerly tomorrow
Seas are down to 4 to 6'
Feels like a pond, compared to the last few days. Wind is still 12kt.
Hoping for light westerly tomorrow

Amazing how perspective changes. When we started ocean boating, 4-6' was large. Yesterday we were off the coast of Washington with 4' and thought we were in calm waters. We were happy not to have 10' like we did recently in that area.

His comment about rough water training on the boat is very interesting. Our Captains who were training us, kept us out but within quick reach of shore, in some rough water early in our training so we'd learn the boat was capable and that we could also be. Doesn't mean we are careless in going out when it's rough, but we do know if conditions worsen we can remain safe and will get home with no real problems.
Everything is relative: Seas are down to 4 to 6'

Glad to see the good report, just 1000 more miles for landfall.
A few minutes ago:

We have the best sea conditions of the trip today, lgt sw winds, I'm heading due east, with a southerly swell of about 3 ft. So in my beam
This is awesome! What a great adventure.
Fair winds & following seas !
It's even more fun from the Pacific. :thumb:

Love the Ford Lehmans and their trust in their boat.
I asked Richard what RPM's he's running:

"1450 to 1550.

Most of the time 1500.

I only speeded up to 1600 during that afternoon of TRW.

I'll keep it now at 1600."
I just checked delorme map.It shows them headed almost due north.I think that's a false heading.Maybe some screw up when the map load into my browser.
Same here, and at 0 MPH at that. Drifting isn't something anyone needs when the "tow truck" is days away. Hope it's just one of those quirks of the tracking system he's using. Like when it showed a negative elevation.
Same here, and at 0 MPH at that. Drifting isn't something anyone needs when the "tow truck" is days away. Hope it's just one of those quirks of the tracking system he's using. Like when it showed a negative elevation.

I'm with you.I hope that's a fluke or some crazy error that will fix it's self.
Looks like he's still heading east at 6.27 mph on my screen. (Chrome browser)


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Looks like he is trucking now. 8.6 MPH. Look out! :)
Richard Bost
Wed Jul 30th, 2014 10:28:00 am (I assume this is my time, PST)

Speed: 8.86 mph Heading: E
Elevation: 1.05 ft Batt: Normal
Lat: 41.653630 Lon: -52.428600
Ben, I have firefox too and I did see the update of heading due north at 0, but the next updates went to 6.27 and then 8.6. Like all of us it was a scare...... Program or maybe an adjustment or something.....
Ben, I have firefox too and I did see the update of heading due north at 0, but the next updates went to 6.27 and then 8.6. Like all of us it was a scare...... Program or maybe an adjustment or something.....

A 1:58 pm update had him again moving east.
Well, with 14 Atlantic crossings in my time, I can say way to go. The smallest boat I did a crossing on was 450 foot and sometimes I didn't think it was big enough. 42 foot powerboat. Wow, now I know why I like the Kadey Krogens so much. I wouldn't do it again but hopefully one day I would like to make it down island.
Well, with 14 Atlantic crossings in my time, I can say way to go. The smallest boat I did a crossing on was 450 foot and sometimes I didn't think it was big enough. 42 foot powerboat. Wow, now I know why I like the Kadey Krogens so much. I wouldn't do it again but hopefully one day I would like to make it down island.

I think I might have 20 or so crossings, all less than 250 ft. (Boeing)

I'm not sure what the blip is on DeLorme with Firefox. My old Firefox and Safari won't even load the data. I'm checking with a Galaxy phone, and so far, no issues.
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