Just general thanks . . .

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Moderator Emeritus
Sep 6, 2012
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Gulfstar 36
Someone posted the other day, and made a comment about how many times he had helped other people, and how he sometimes felt unappreciated for his help.

So this is just a general "thank you" to the knowledgeable people on the Forum who do help others. Many times it is a question that has been asked many times before, but the people that I am thinking of always manage to be courteous, answer the question, sometimes suggest other sources of information, and in the process manage to make the person asking the question feel good about the whole thing.

Although I do have certain people in mind as I write this, I am not going to name any names, because for sure I would miss someone who should not be missed.

So just a general thanks -- you not only help others but you contribute greatly to making the Forum a good place to visit.
I second that general thank you. I learn so much from all of you, and you have helped me solve some problems.

Let's keep paying it forward.

Cheers, Bill
Same here. Lots of smart people on here and they're willing to share their knowledge.
Me too...

I'll add my thanks too. I've benefited from many useful discussions and great advice. No doubt there's more to come. Thank you indeed!

The trawler forum is a welcoming, informative and entertaining place and I am grateful to those of you who make it so.

Thank you!
Thanks from me as well . Don't know what I'd do without you .
Another heartfelt thank you, and this one from a newbie. I'm truly in awe of the knowledge and how willing to help everyone is. Thanks
Yup! And there are an an extra special few who are especially knowledgeable and yet patient. And, they do so without calling us out on our stupidity.

Sent from my iPad using Trawler Forum
Agree with all that's been said.
And a hearty thanks from me too.
Yes, a big thank you. We have made a bunch of new friends through this forum, in addition to learning a lot. And as we continue in our travels, I am sure hoping we will meet many more!

Blue and Michelle
It's amazing how many times while googling for information I end up right back here, or how often answers can be found using the TF's advanced search function.

Kudos to all :thumb:
There is specific stuff you are looking for, and other stuff I seem to absorb by osmosis. Thanks to all.
You learn about osmosis too.
You're welcome! ?

Just kidding. I've learned a lot too, particularly from Marin about airplanes!

+1 from Cheers. I learn something new every time I visit the forum.
I'll add my thanks also. I have learned a lot and seldom have enjoyed learning as much as here. Great knowledge, great folks, and always entertaining.
What they said. Thanks also from me. ... G
Someone posted the other day, and made a comment about how many times he had helped other people, and how he sometimes felt unappreciated for his help.

So this is just a general "thank you" to the knowledgeable people on the Forum who do help others. Many times it is a question that has been asked many times before, but the people that I am thinking of always manage to be courteous, answer the question, sometimes suggest other sources of information, and in the process manage to make the person asking the question feel good about the whole thing.
Although I do have certain people in mind as I write this, I am not going to name any names, because for sure I would miss someone who should not be missed.
So just a general thanks -- you not only help others but you contribute greatly to making the Forum a good place to visit.

A...hey..hey..men....a..hey..hey..men...a..hey..hey..men, amen...amen..! :D

Good thought there John...:flowers:
Same here, special thanks to all those people who answered my so many very layman kind of questions! You guys are awesome.
The collective knowledge on this forum is one supersized hard drive. To date, I haven't seen a question go unanswered (or at least lacking comment). Thanks to all who give freely of their time.

TF Information fee schedule :

Simple questions are 2 for $1.
Questions requiring some thought are $2 each.
Correct answers are $5 each.
The story about how I Mickey Moused something to work, still free. :rolleyes:

"Simple questions are 2 for $1.
Questions requiring some thought are $2 each.
Correct answers are $5 each.
The story about how I Mickey Moused something to work, still free."



Ths is a great platform, one that allows alot of freedoms to the contributors.

From the original vision, through the execution of the forum, our freedoms remain, for all lurking, them contributing, and them editing

People from around the globe have an honorable place to hang, be free to share, enjoy our freedoms. Like being on the water


Thank you all. Nice to meet you.

Everyone has always been a huge help, even with my sometimes stupid questions!
I always try and write a Thank You in my posts.
I started here in December 2007. If I remember correctly, my first questions were about building my own boat, steel hull, etc etc. The answers were all informative and polite, but the bottom line was don't attempt it unless you have lots of time (years) and the skills of many of the trades that built the Empire State Building.
Thanks to everyone who has ever helped me out, and I hope I've been able to help someone too.
Baton Rouge, LA
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